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I'd like to humbly dedicate this work of fiction to the teachers I have come across in my life. I vividly remember my friends supporting my amateur work back in 2018. Immense gratitude towards those who had lent their support during the initial days.

Special shoutout to sirigeller Vijjumalvika IamNagendra veena2615 for being constant readers and providing feedback throughout the story.

sirigeller: She introduced me to this marvellous writing platform. She had shown me a way to channel my passion in a certain direction. She helped me improve my grammar and vocabulary on a scale one could ever imagine.

Last but not least, everyone who checked on the story, everyone who clicked on the story, every person who voted for the story, everyone who cared to comment on the story, and everyone kind enough to share the story, I'd like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I'll forever remain grateful for all the little things everyone has done that have gone unnoticed.

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