Invisible Line

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Months after they were virtually married she can say he knew him well. His perks, quirkiness, likes and dislikes. She has been attentive when it comes to him, she knew his schedules well and monitors it every time she gets. She has admitted long ago to herself and to her unnies that she likes him. And she is doing a good job concealing her feelings, just like her unnies suggested, at least until the right time comes.

But when is the right time? She has been asking herself that same question as she lay down on her bed to sleep. Hyoyeon said to wait for signs that he likes her back, it has been months but he has been the same. He has been taking care of her on-screen as his wife but when the cameras are out, she’s back to dongsaeng status, his new found best friend, that’s what she called her. And being one, she has the liberty to know what and who interests him. Hearing those from him, she felt her heart was crushed by an elephant, stomped to pieces but she have to endure it, putting a smile on her face as he animatedly talks about his crush. What made her sane is the fact that he can’t date anyone, not until he was virtually married to her.


It’s late at night, they just arrived from their aquarium date and their recording was about to end, Yonghwa started hovering around her while she was busy making an apple milk shake. “I heard you’re having fun going to school, you even shook hands with male students” he pried, he has been meaning to ask her that since this morning but he was too busy covering up his fear of goldfish to ask, he doesn’t want to look foolish in front of her and their fans.

She shook her head, she knew this was coming, to Yongseo fans, this might be shown as his jealous streak and how she wished it’s because of that but the truth is, he is just an over protective oppa “They’re fans oppa. You even hugged one. You told me I can do that once in a while, right?” she chuckled. They have been really close and called each other in and out of filming.

He gave her a contented smirk “You’re right. It’s good that you listen to your nampyeon.” he pats her shoulder and sat on their sofa. Seohyun sat beside him and they talked about how great their day was.

That ended their shoot. As the crews and their manager are busy packing up, they went out to their Avatar inspired balcony. With Yonghwa’s hands on his pocket and hers crossed across her chest, they stood there in a comfortable silence. The night breeze toyed with their hair, she heard him inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with fresh air, his eyes closed. “I heard Jinwoon is courting you” he broke the silence

Her heart beat faster as she stared at his handsome profile “Oppa, why are you so protective of me?” she said without answering his question “That it seemed like your jealous” she wanted to add but kept it to herself. It was the question she has been meaning to ask but is too shy to do so.

He opened his eyes and looked at her endearingly “Because you’re my friend. I want the best for you. I want you to be happy” he took the hair that is covering her face due to the wind and tacked it behind her ear

Seohyun sighed when he did that, “What kind of girl can resist not falling in love with this guy?” She thought “Do you know what’s good for me and what can make me happy?” the question came deep within her heart. She felt like crying. If only he knew.

“I’ll know it when it comes” he shrugged and wrapped his arm around her shoulder

“You won’t” she answered “You don’t even know how good it feels to be this close to you” she thought, tempted to lean her head on his shoulder

“Don’t be so sure” he said confidently a smirk on his lips

“But I’m sure” she retorted, her voice louder than a whisper

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