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As he sinks his teeth into my neck... he continues to warm the lower half of my body with his soft, gentle touch. I never want him to stop, I cannot think with him doing this... but I want it to last forever. I just barely struggled my legs at the fact that it felt like I died and went to heaven, he stopped the motions and asked: "Is something the matter?" With my voice quavering, I say "N... no... I just have one question for you before you continue, what is your name?" His face changed from loving to a more content face, as he responded with "My name is Gryphon." His name was so fitting for him, and it made me happy to finally have his name.

As I hang there, waiting for his next touch... I am shaking in anticipation, as he finally removes his undershirt. But I almost started to cry, as he reveals his scars of torture and abuse. It was now clear that he had been starving for years, unable to drink blood because he would've been killed instantly for being a vampire. If He didn't capture me, he would have died that day... and I would never have fallen in love with him. He quickly turns around, then proceeds to touch my insides... making my body go limp with pleasure. 

"Are you willing to let me test something on you?" he said as he blushed. "Yes! You can do anything to me!" I say watching his every move. He starts to drink a glowing red liquid, but he then swiftly moves not 5 inches in front of me... then kisses me. I feel the liquid flowing down my throat, I can feel my body changing... but I look exactly the same as before. He sets a mirror in front of me and I instinctively show my teeth.

Where am I? (pick at me enough and ill continue this)Where stories live. Discover now