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“I remember the first time we met. It happened just like in the movies. It was right after school had gotten out, and I ran into her. I literally ran into her. Her books went flying and everything. I bent over to help her while pushing apologies out of my mouth, and when I went to hand her the books, it was like time its self-had stopped. Nothing mattered except the way she looked. The way her dark brown hair seemed to fit her face perfectly. The way her eyes sparkled slightly.  Everything about her was just, perfect. Though, I didn’t realise I had been staring at her and she had started to laugh awkwardly. I, once again, apologised and handed her books over sheepishly. We then parted our ways. Every day after that we’d see each other in the hall. It was so adorable, the way she glanced at me and smiled before looking away. Her cheeks were always a pretty pink, the dimples on her cheeks digging deep. She was perfect. I remember, on August 3rd, right after second period was when I asked her on a date. I was so nervous. I had spent almost all morning deciding on how to go at it, and what to wear. I was freaking out, seriously. I’m not joking.  She (thankfully) accepted, and that’s when our relationship began. Throughout the rest of middle school we went on dates, held hands, and shared secrets. I kissed the scars that covered her body and she kissed mine. It was perfect. We went to the same high school, too. We stayed together, only leaving each other’s sides because of stupid little arguments that would end in long ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘You’re the only reason I’m still here’ texts. I saved all of them. I still have them all in my notepad. When I get sad sometimes I read them. Every time I do they just make me sadder, but it reminds me of her. It’s really the only thing I have left. We went through high school linked at the arms, and on October 15th, I proposed. It was perfect. We were at the apartment we shared, she was in one of my flannels and she looked absolutely adorable. She was resting on my chest, using it as a pillow while watching Star Trek. I remember the episode, too.  ‘Wrath of Khan’. Her favourite episode. I pushed her off of me which earned a slap on my small bicep, but I only laughed and got on one of my knees. She thought I was joking. I was dead serious. I did that whole ‘I’m in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life with you’ speech, and she accepted. We cried and hugged, and it was a perfect moment. It didn’t take long for us to tie the knot. We had a small wedding. Got married to ‘Highway to Hell’ by AC/DC. We felt it perfect for the situation. We were married for about seven years when it hit. They didn’t know what it was. She began to get sicker. Skinner. She began loosing her hair, and anything she ate she threw up. She had these weird red circles on her body, and it was terrible. My baby. The woman I had fallen in love with was dying. There was so much she wanted to do. So much she wanted to do. I sat next to her while she was on her death bed, holding her small frail hand in my now much larger one. Her hand used to be bigger than mine. It was tearing me apart inside knowing I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t help her. She was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it. She passed at 2:34 in the morning on October 15th. That was the day we became whole, and the day that I lost half of myself. I haven’t gotten over it, and I don’t think I ever will. She would have wanted me to move on with my life, but I can’t. I just.. Can’t. Not without her. She was my life. She was the reason I stayed, and now she’s gone. I loved her, and I always will. When she left, she took me with her. I hope she’s hearing this up there in Heaven, because I have so much more to say to her. But I can’t. I just can’t.

I miss her. So much.”

I wiped my eyes with my shaky, pale hands and stepped down the podium.  I looked at the casket, biting my lips together.

My baby.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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