Chapter 1, what's LGBT?

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Well this all starts with me, I'm Summer and I have a best friend called Blossom. She always goes on about this 'LGBT' thing and she hasn't explained it to me yet, she claims she's some kind of 'b' WHAT'S A 'B'? Well of course I know that a 'b' is a letter but it must stand for something...

Why don't I just ask her? Well I don't know really, why don't I ask her? I think I'm just nervous, I know nervous to ask my best friend something- that's easy! I'm just scared in case it offends her or something... out friend ship might fall apart. It quite threatening to think of that really, I'll be friends with her until I die! I wouldn't change her for anything.

Today at school I got the guts to ask her what LGBT means.

Hey Blossom? Mind if I ask you something?

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"What does LGBT mean and what do the letters mean?"

"Oh! So there's more than just the LGBT letter"

"yeah but what do they mean?"

"well I'll tell you all the letters first: LGBTTQQIAAP, they stand for: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual and they all have different meaning, I'm the 'B' and that means I like two genders (girls and boys)"

I had a weird vision thing as she carried on talking, I couldn't hear a word she was saying but knew she was talking because her hands were moving and her lips were also moving, she was looking right into my eyes. The vision had stopped. I saw two girls at a prom, everyone was corruptly looking at them like it was weird that they danced the night away... it looked like Blossom and this girl with brown hair and blue eyes, she looked a bit like me but... I wouldn't dance with a girl I thought. I like guys! Not girls, I'm not bisexual? A voice in the back of my head whispered 'maybe you are, you don't know what the future holds' I had the shivers, Blossom poked me.

"Summer? Are you okay?" I was baffled

"Urgh, yeah! I'm fine..." she looked confused "Okay... I know..." The bell rang.

"Oh urhm, lets go to lesson" Blossom said with a slight smile

"Yeah, lets go" I responded.
We got to our class, we had English. Mr Flavel looked at us abruptly, "Okay, open your books to the next clean page. Its your call if you work in pairs for this task" me and Blossom looked at eachother in excitement; we knew we didn't have to say anything, we would obviously work with another. Mr Flavel waited waited for us to calm down

"We are writing short stories today. It can be about anything as long as it's age appropriate" Blossom looked at me ecstatically.

"We have to do it about two girls that fall in love and then they get married and stuff!!!" Shouted Blossom, "Yes! That's a great idea!"

We got on with our short stories, we did it in our break too! When we had done we were super happy with it, it was six pages long; we knew Mr Flavel would love it!

The next day we got pulled out of French to go see Mr Flavel - he didn't look happy....

"Sorry about pulling you out of French girls" he said with a timid voice,

"It's okay"

"NO! Its not... I've pulled you out about your story. Its terrible and disgusting!" He said it like we had mentioned two people stripping in public or something. He seemed so mad! We didn't reply.

"Why are you talking about being gay?!" He screamed, we just shrugged; Blossom having a tear in her eye.

"Out of everything, GAY! You will be spending your lunch break with me for the next two days, I'm very disappointed in you two and you can both write a new story!" He demanded, Blossom ran out the room crying, I ran after her. Mr Flavel was saying something but we couldn't hear, I didn't care... I just wanted to make sure Blossom was okay.

I went to check in the bathroom, I over heard some people shouting at Blossom, they were saying stuff like 'Go die you fag' 'Kill yourself you disgusting gay!' I didn't enter, I went to get a teacher - Ms Roberts one of the Welsh teachers. She kicked the door open as if she was in an action movie! By the time we got the the bullies were gone and there was just Blossom on the floor, blood dripping from her nose, lip and head. She has 'kys you fag' on her forehead, I cried.

"Blossom?! Are you okay?!?!" There was no reply.


we took her to the school nurse, then she phoned her parents and the ambulance.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked the nurse

"She will recover, it might take about a couple weeks" she replied with a smile.

The next day Blossom was in school, she had crutches, a bandage on her head and her nose and lip were both fine.

"Oh, I'm hey" I said with a slight smile, "You okay?" She looked down

"Do I look okay Summer?" She responded "Wow, okay... I was just asking" I said with a frown

"Well I got these for you"

It was a box of Maltesers (her favourite chocolates), a flower and a car saying 'get well soon' she looked at me and smiled, she hugged me "

Thanks but you didn't have to get me anything"

We sat down, the teacher started talking. We hated tutor, we had Mr Brooks. He said there was going to be a drama club after school on Tuesdays, we started at each other.

"OMG IM TOTALLY GOING TO THAT" we both shouted. Everyone looked at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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