Chapter one.

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i recommend not reading this. it is absolutely terrible. its escalates to quickly and make pretty much no sense. i don't want to delete it though so if you want to give it a go just remember i did warn you.


Chapter one.

Harry's POV

I heard thousands of girls screaming mine and the boy's names in the crowd. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I felt so lucky. I walked over to the window and looked into the audience, as soon as the fans seen my face the screaming automatically got louder. They were now chanting my name. I wave to them then close the window and go and sit on the couch with the boys.

'Can you believe this?', Louis asked.

'It's amazing', Niall said.

'Don't you mean amaZAYN?', Zayn said laughing. All the others laughed as well.

'Everyone in the world knows who we are', I said. I started to day dream:

Playing in MSG. seeing my dream girl. Her beautiful eyes. That gorgeous smile. The way she flipped her hair...flutters her eyelashes...

'What do you think Harry?', Liam asked interrupting my thoughts.

'Huh? About what?', I asked.

'Going back on stage in 20 minutes. Are you ready?', Liam asked.

'Yeah totally. MSG bring it on', I answered, still half in my day dream.

'You're not still thinking of her are you?', Niall said, in a disgusted tone.

'I just can't get her out of my mind', I admitted.

'Oh come on Harry. You've seen her once', Louis whined.

'Yeah, but you guys didn't. I bet if you had of seen her you would be the exact same as me. She was so beautiful', I replied.

'She's a crazed fan, by the sounds of it', Louis said, 'I mean a sign asking you to marry her. Come on'.

'Plus she was crying', Zayn said.

'And you said she was wearing a cat suit saying 'first word' on it', Liam said.

'Okay yeah. The cat suit was a bit over the top, but she was perfect', I said. I dreamed of her again:

She was short, not skinny. Long bluey-black hair. Cute little button nose, a larger chin then normal. She was so cute. The way she knew every word to every song and moved her head from side to side as she sung. Flipping her hair back and forth. She had my name written across her forehead in permanent marker. The boys say she is a crazed fan, but I think she is just dedicated.

'Harry come on!', Niall said slapping me.

'What? Where are we going?', I asked noticing that the boys were heading out the door.

'We are going back on stage', Niall said dragging me to the side of the stage, 'get it together man. She won't be here tonight'.

I listened to Niall and cleared my mind of her completely. I followed the boys onto stage. We sang: what makes you beautiful, live while we're young and little things. Everything was great. My mind was clear...then all of a sudden I spot her. My dream girl standing in the crowd with the same people as last time. We were in the middle of singing little things and I completely forgot the words. I stood there staring at her. I needed to know her name.

'Wait. Wait', I said into the microphone. The boys stopped singing and the music was shut off.

'Harry what are you doing?', Niall asked.

'She's here', I said.

'Oh my god', Liam said, 'you stopped our concert for her?'.

'You', I said pointing to her. Suddenly every girl in the audience was pointing to themselves.

'Carlos?', I called. Carlos was the band security guard.

'What's up mate?', Carlos said as he came onto stage.

'Do you see that girl?', I asked pointing to her.

'The one in an orange shirt and black balloon pants?', Carlos asked making sure he had the right person.

'Yeah, that's her. Can you please get her and bring her backstage?', I said.

'Okay', Carlos said then he went into the audience. I watched him as he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her through the audience. She looked terrified.

'I think she is scared', I told Liam.

'What do you expect? A big ass security guard just dragged her backstage, without any of her friends', Liam explained.

'Maybe I should go and talk to her', I suggested.

'What about the concert?', Niall asked.

'We are going to take a short break', Louis yelled to the fans, 'we promise we will be back in half an hour', he added then we all walked backstage. We saw Carlos sitting with my dream girl on a seat. When we walked up to them her face immediately turned red. She was blushing for me. Then again why wouldn't she, I was Harry Styles.

I told Carlos and the others they could leave then I took a seat next to her, 'hi. I'm Harry', I said. I was pretty sure she giggled a little, when I said I was Harry.

'Karly', she said quietly, without looking at me.

'That's a nice name', I replied.

'Thank you', she replied quietly, still not looking at me.

'You are very shy', I said. I noticed her frowning, 'are you okay?'.

'Yeah', she said still not looking at me.

'Why won't you look at me?', I asked, a little bit of amusement in my voice. She finally looked up at me. Her eyes were a beautiful, hazily-green colour and her eye lashes were so long. I smiled at her and she quickly looked away.

'Did I do something wrong?', she asked.

'No. why?', I asked surprised.

'Why did that man bring me back here?', she asked, looking at me again.

'Because I asked him to', I replied.

'Why did you ask him to?', she asked. She sounded horrified so I decided to sand up.

'Because I wanted to meet you', I replied, 'I saw you in the turtle suit at our last concert, and well I couldn't stop thinking about you. So when I saw you tonight I just had to meet you', I added, laughing when I saw her blushing again. I noticed she was biting her lip, and found myself doing the same, so I sat back down.

We just sat there in silence for the next ten minutes. I could see her looking at me from the corner of her eye and couldn't help but to laugh.

'Harry we got to go back on stage', Zayn said as he walked up to us, 'hi', he added to Karly.

'Hello', Karly said standing up and shaking Zayn's hand.

'Sorry to steal him from you, but he really needs to get back on stage', Zayn apologised.

'It's okay. I need to get back out to my friends anyway', Karly said as she started walking off.

'Wait!', I yelled grabbing her hand. I handed her a backstage pass, 'come back stage after the show'.

'I have to go home', she said.

'Please? You can bring your friends', I insisted. I handed her two more passes.

'Fine', she said. I kissed her on the cheek, making her blush more, then watched her walk back out into the audience.

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