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Welcome to my new one-shot, Frigidity! It was an idea that didn't want to leave me alone so I decided to write it, and, well, this is the result!

Just so you guys know: this ignores everything that happens after the Arakumo-Raimon match.

Have fun reading!


''I'm- I'm so sorry...''

Tenma didn't even fight it as hands grabbed his wrists and pulled them roughly behind his back, securing him tightly.

The only thing he could do was stare.

Even as his teammates shouted in anger and fury, struggling against their captors, spitting curses and crying and demanding answers, the only thing he could do was stare and wonder why.


''I'm sorry- I'm so sorry, I didn't have a choice! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, please believe me! I never wanted to hurt any of you- I swear!'' the boy was shaking, tears rolling down his face, begging them to listen.

''There's always a choice,'' spat Tsurugi, venom dripping from his words.

The boy flinched back, eyes flitting from face to face, hoping and searching for some sort of understanding, of sympathy, of forgiveness. Finally they landed on his captain's face and they widened, begging, desperate. ''T-Tenma,'' he whispered, voice quivering, ''please, I- you know I'd never-''

They'll listen to you, if you forgive me, so will they- please, please, Tenma please!

The thoughts on his face were as easy to read as if they were written down.

The struggling and anger died down, if only a little. Tenma could feel his team's eyes on him, waiting, wondering what he'd do, what he'd say, but he didn't know.

Yet he couldn't, wouldn't, let his team fall apart like this.

No matter how much it hurt, he-

''No you don't!'' growled a voice and suddenly something hit the back of his knees sharply, forcing him to the ground as he gasped in pain.

''Tenma!'' more than one voice shouted his name, but before he could respond, a hand grabbed his hair and yanked his head back.

A pained cry broke free from his lips and he heard more shouting, one voice standing out the most. ''What- what are you doing?! You promised you wouldn't hurt them!''

''We did,'' said a new voice, velvety and smooth and all too calm for this situation, ''but Raimon is a real danger to us.'' Tenma forced his eyes open, but he couldn't see much beyond the blue sky, as his head was still forced back. ''Yet we like to keep our promises.''

''Then why-?!''

The voice was as sharp and deadly as a snake. ''However, the danger cannot be undermined. Therefore, a sacrifice has to be made. Raimon will be send to a re-education centre and will be allowed to go free after that, but Matsukaze Tenma, their captain, must be... confined. For safety reasons, you see.''

Furious shouts, but the man – whoever he was – didn't seem to be bothered by them. Instead the agent holding Tenma pushed the boy to the strange man's feet.

Tenma forced his eyes open and looked up at the man. A pure white suit, not even a fleck of dust on it, slicked back pink hair and grey eyes, like his own, but sharp and cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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