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"The syllabus says the quiz is over chapters 2 and 3 but Professor Kim told us to just review 2. Do you think this is like a test to see if we read the syllabus or is it really only covering chapter 2?" Seungkwan asked, flinging his gloved hands around as he spoke.

"Do professors really do that? Sabotage us?" Hansol questioned his friend. They were trudging through the snow, a shortcut to the shoveled pathway for students. Seungkwan shivered despite his puffy coat and hat. Hansol seemed somewhat unbothered by the cold, his face wrapped in the fluffy scarf his sister got him last Christmas.

"I don't know! Do they? I should ask him right? Maybe I'll send him an email," he sighed, his breath swirling visibly around his face. They made it up the hill and started walking to the freshman dorms, the snow falling from their boots as they went. "Maybe you could ask Hao. You know, ask him if professors are really that shady."

Hansol snorted, ignoring the looks from the other passing students. "Just email the professor. Or just study both chapters."

"You're just too shy to talk to Minghao," Seungkwan teased lightly.

"Yah! I can talk to him no problem!" Hansol defended, avoiding a patch of ice on the ground. He shoved his hands into his coat pockets.

"Yeah, you don't act overconfident and embarrass yourself at all in front of him," Seungkwan giggled. "Get your hands out of your pockets, if you slip you won't be able to catch—" the gods of fate seemed to have a sense of humor since Seungkwan stepped on ice he hadn't noticed while he was speaking. His foot flew back behind him and suddenly he was falling forward. His hands were out to catch him, but so were his knees. A sharp pain shot down his shin and he let out a yelp.

"Oh my god," Hansol tried to suppress his laughter, kneeling to help his friend up.

"Shut up you, ass!" He tried standing, but couldn't move his right leg, let alone put weight on it. Even with Hansol's help, he could barely stay upright. "Oh god, Sollie I think I'm dying."

Hansol rolled his eyes. "You aren't dying."

"Okay, I'm not dying, but I landed on my knee and I can't move my leg."

Hansol raised an eyebrow. "Wait, really?" Seungkwan looked pale. He swayed in Hansol's grip.

"Holy shit, you're serious. Are you gonna pass out? Please don't pass out! We gotta get you to the clinic." Hansol encouraged Seungkwan to move, using his good leg and the support of his friend on the other. They were already headed in the right direction; the campus clinic was just on the other side of their dorm.

They managed to hobble a few more feet before Hansol noticed Seungkwan was getting heavier. And was moving his good leg less.


"Hey Hansol— whoa is Seungkwan alright?" Hansol looked up, Minghao was walking towards them. At any other moment, Hansol would loudly exclaim how rad Minghao look in that beret and checkered scarf but there was a half unconscious boy pulling at him.

"Hao! My leg is falling off!" Seungkwan answered for himself.

"Wait, what?" Minghao furrowed his brow. A taller boy jogged carefully up behind him.

"I know you said you had to go say hi to your friends, Minghao, but I didn't realize you were going to run- Hey is he okay?" Hansol looked behind Minghao (whose face was tinted pink, perhaps from the cold, Hansol assumed) to cock his head at the new arrival.

"Seokmin, shut up!" Minghao hissed, "I wasn't running! Seriously Seungkwan, are you okay? Seokmin and I were on our way to class but you look like you need to go to the clinic." Hansol adjusted Seungkwan's arm over his shoulders, struggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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