Chapter 1 ~

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Everyone had gather around for a celebration from saving Equestria from the Storm King. As soon Songbird Serene has done doing the performance of singing, she also introduces someone who came back from Hollywood and start to meet new creatures who saved Equestria. "Ladies and Gentleman," Songbird Serene Said, "I would like you give a big around of applause of Twilight and her friends savoring Equestria by the Storm King!" They all started to applaud. "And now," she continued, there's also someone who came back from Hollywood and wanted to start to sing and dance for you guys to welcome them back to Ponyville, please welcome back, 'The Chipettes!'" Everyone started to scream and shout and started to applaud as the Chipettes were about to step in front of stage and started to wave at them. "Thank you all so much!" Said Brittany, "It's good to be back!"  Everyone started to cheer again, but Brittany and her sisters started to look around and they have found some creatures they have never seen before  cheering for them. Couple of seconds, Brittany started to look around and she had found someone who smiled slightly and gave her a little wave. Brittany smiled at him back and started to step back and start preparing for a performance.

As soon the lights were out, The Chipmunks has also arrived for the performance and started to feel welcomed too. And they all began to sing, but, Brittany started to step forward o the guy she stare at and she began to sing to him, and the other chipmunk group began to sing as backup singers. He began to chuckle as he began to give Brittany a rose. Brittany started to blush pink and stepped back on stage and all the chipmunks began to sing louder when the song is almost done.

The song had finished, and the Chipettes started to run towards to the mane 6 ponies and started to hug them. "Brittany, you came back!" Shouted Fluttershy. "You are amazing out there darling!" Rarity agreed. Rainbow dash flies towards Jeanette and gave her a squeeze. "Jeanette, you were unbelievably rock!" She said, "You are so awesome!" "Yee-haw!" Shouted Apple Jack as she walked towards Eleanor, "You did good, Sugar cue!" Pinkie Pie start giving her a hug. "You're amazing out there, Eleanor!" She said. Twilight step forward to the Chipettes and bowed to them and smiled. "Welcome back, you three," she said, "We all miss you, let me give you something to drink." "No thank you," Jeanette interrupted. Twilight began to glare. "I worked hard to made you some cupcakes with Pinkie Pue and I asked you for some!" Said Twilight. The Chipettes stared at each other and stared back at Twilight nervously. "Yes?" Said Jeanette. Twilight giggles and gave The Chipettes so many Cupcakes, "That's what I thought you said!"

Tempest and her new friends came over to see Twilight and her friends. "Hey princess," said Tempest with a smile. "Hey Tempest— I mean Fistle Pop." Said Twilight. Tempest began to giggle. "I don't mind Tempest," she said, and Twilight nodded. "Wow, those guys are amazing!" Skystar said as she began to hug one of them, "they are so adorable!"
"Indeed," Said Captain Celaneo, "They sing really well too."
And suddenly Capper came by too and started to smile.

"Very impressive female singers I've ever seen," He said

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"Very impressive female singers I've ever seen," He said.
Brittany turned around and started to walked towards him and started to blush as she began to play with her hair and bit her lip. "Why, thank you sir," Said Brittany. "I might say you're not so bad yourself." She began to smirk when she tries to make Capper blush. And he did. And he began to chuckle. "Oh stop it, you shouldn't have. Capper's the name by the way." He reached out his hand to Brittany and gave her a shake. "Oh, I'm Brittany," she replied, "And these are my co-workers, as known as, my sisters." Capper nodded and smiled.
"Where do you come from?" Asked Eleanor.
"Well, The pirates came from Klugetown, and the hippogriffs came from to the other side where Mount Earis is."
"That's very interested," Jeanette said, "You seem are not bad creatures after all."
"Especially the handsome one.." Brittany slightly daydreams as she stares at Capper and imagines him winking at Brittany holding her hand which made her blush even more.
"I better get going," Said Skystar, "I need to get home to Mount Earis, it's really nice to meet you all!" She began to hug the mane 6 ponies included Pinkie pie."
"We better head back home too, guys," Captain Cealeno Said, "We might want to rebuilt the air ship before Tempest destroys it again."
Capper went up to Rarity and gave her a little letter for her to keep for her now to show anyone, and he began to walk to Brittany. "Hey, I see you were singing at me on stage, you seen cool. We should probably be hanging sometime," Capper said as Brittany began to blush red. "Well, I would like that. I'll see you around tonight." Capper began to give her another handshake, also he handed a piece of paper for her to look at as he began to leave.

" Capper began to give her another handshake, also he handed a piece of paper for her to look at as he began to leave

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"Ooh, Brittany. What are you going to do now?" Rarity Asked.
Brittany shook her head wide awake and said, "Well, you might wanna come with in Capper's place for us to have fun, even though you're good friends with him."
Rarity giggled and nodded. "Of course Darling, would you like to sleep at my place for preparing for tomorrow?"
"I like that," Said Brittany.

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