The rattle of wooden arrow shafts can be heard as a figure dives into a bush. His eye locked onto his target as it tried to seem hidden to the Aptonoth it was stalking. The new bane of the Ancient Forest. A hunter being hunted as clueless as his prey. A starving Deviljho lie in wait for an Apotonth to make the grave mistake of getting too close to the overgrowth. While he did, the hunter known as Xealous slid the nock of his arrow onto the string. Pulling back slightly the bow already trembled with the power of the mighty Lunastra and the brutality of the Eater of Elders, Nergigante. Air was chambered in his lungs like bullets to a gun. With a strong exhale he took a step further. His mind was as straight as the arrows shaft he was about to fire.
"Heres to a new tallfang necklace..."
He kept a mental count until his bow would put the target out of its suffering at the hands of its own voracious appetite. Five. The string thightend. Four. The Deviljho took a step. Three. Xealous could feel his lips curling into a grin. Two. His eyes displayed his manic desire.
"The world is silent.
The wind is calm.
There. Is. No. Archer."Scraping three additional arrows on the ground he pulled back even farther. These arrows shook as they were special in attribute. Thwy were an extention of him. One. They were released causing an ungodly scream to separate the air insfront of them. Hearing the call of its own demise the Deviljho stood up. That was its final and fatal mistake. Had it remained low the arrows would have missed him entirely. From the tip of the tail to the brain the arrows pierced. Destroying whatever flesh and matter ahead of it. The beast fell with a ground shaking fall. Xealous laughed a bit and wiped the sweat off his brow.
"Geez couldnt make it easy on me eh?"
He asked with another chuckle. Patting the beast on the face he panted.
"Hell was that? 9..10 quivers worth of arrows? Thanks Jho...gave me a challenge."
Piercing the corpse of the beast he carved what he needed. Lady luck smiled upon him as he carved its chest.
"Oh sweet! My first Jho gem in the new world!"
He jumped up and threw the treasure into his bag. And like that his mission was over. He stretched and made his way back to Astera. Wasnt a long walk considering it was right outside of the Ancient Forest. Through the gate he was greeted by everyone in Astera who knew his face. Though one of the friendlier faces, the Sisterly Fourth, better known as Nia bumped him.
"Hey Star, Commander is lookin for ya. I think ya got a bit of babysitting to do. I saw him with someone I've never seen...Id call her a Sixth but we havent had that batch come in yet."
Picking up a basket full of wheat she said her goodbyes and marched her way up to the canteen. Making sure he didnt look to sloppy he sauntered his way up to the commander.
"Need me?"
Xealous asked with curiosity in his eyes about the recruit that currently sat behind him.
"Such short notice. I thought I'd have to wait atleast another 2 days."
The commander gave him a joking smile before motioning to the female behind.
"It seems as if one of the fifth got left at bay before the boat took off. Shes been doing countless hunts to pay for a boat over to the new world. She requested to be allowed to go on hunts by herself but with the rapid changes being made in the new world I cant allow. You ran into a Deviljho in the Ancient Forest. While this isnt her very first hunt im lead to believe that the monsters here are a bit stronger than in the Old World. So the Admiral and I have decided that the best hunting team is you and your handler Melissa. Besides, no other hunter has mastwred all 14 weapon classes. Dimissed!"
Sighing Xealous signaled the new member to follow him.
"Names Xealous. Pleased to meet you. Name?"
My Collection of Starters
RandomJust starters for different role plays feel free to use.