10 - Shock

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I'm scared out of my fucking mind! I just heard him say he's gonna kill me in 10 minutes! 10 fucking minutes! I just came to my senses a few seconds ago and the first thing I hear is that I'm gonna get killed. Wait no. I gotta come to my senses. It can't be this easy. Life is difficult. I'm in a room tied up. It's a dark room but the door to another room is open, lights are on there. I can somewhat see. There are no windows. It's hurting! It's hurting bad! The more I come to my senses, the more it hurts. I gotta get a read of my condition first. I'm tied up pretty good. I'm tied to a pole. Gotta make my observations simple. My head hurts. I can't move my hands or legs and my mouth is taped. My leg hurts really bad; I think it's bleeding. I feel like vomiting. There's a clock in this room, I can see a chair and a broken gun is on it. The ticking of the clock seems to get louder. The more the time passes. How did I get here? I think a minute has passed.

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