The Letter

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Several characters other than Kirionnor are based off of real people. Some are completely fictitious though.

It was November 21st, the day before Thanksgiving. But the Lethes didn't celebrate that. They didn't celebrate anything, even birthdays. Connor, the only child, was always frustrated when he talked to people at his school. They all celebrated so many things, New Year's, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, April Fools Day, birthdays, you name it... especially his best friend, Jason Mavris. His family celebrated every single "National Whatever Day"! All this, and Connor's family didn't even celebrate Christmas. 

He was in his room, because it was 36 degrees outside; besides, he didn't like going out that much anyway. His mother, Kara, came in and tossed him a letter, which was blown on to the floor by the heater instead. "Not sure who it's from. I found it in our door mail slot, but it's not signed to us by address. It just says 'For Connor Svor Lethe'. Have fun." She left as quickly as she came. 

"Ugh," Connor thought, "another letter from Jason." But when he went to pick it up, he saw very different handwriting. He felt a slight chill ring through his spine. "What the..." He snatched the envelope from the floor. He hesitated to open it, staring at the spidery handwriting. He mumbled, "'For Connor Svor Lethe'...". He finally opened it after a long moment of contemplation. 

"Uif Voefbui jt dpnjoh. Uif ebzt hspx tipsufs. Uif qpxfs pg uif Mpoh Ojhiu hspxt. Uif xjoe jt cjuufs dpme. Uif mbtu dibqufs xjmm dpnnfodf, boe uif uxp uipvtboe fjhiuffoui zfbs xjmm dpnqmfuf uif dzdmf. I will see you soon, λήθη." 

"What does this even mean!? It's all gibberish, except the last part. Even so, what's that? A word in like, Russian?" He was very confused as he thought. "This is just weird." He got out his Pokémon-cased phone to text Jason. It was 9:32 p.m. already? 

Connor Dude, I just got the weirdest fricking letter
Connor You up to talk?

Jason srry mom says i cant stay up on my phone tonight
Jason yknow, tmrw is thanksgiving

Connor Oh yeah, sorry. Good night

Jason didn't even reply to Connor's last message, but he didn't really care. He should've known that Jason wouldn't be allowed on his phone past 9:30 p.m. before a big holiday like Thanksgiving. What was he going to do about the letter? His curiosity was insatiable. He had to know now. But who could he ask? Not his parents... definitely not. They wouldn't give two hoots what the letter said! And neither would anyone else. 

Connor stayed up very late that night, trying to puzzle out what the letter meant. He finally just fell asleep, at 1:24 a.m.. He dreamed that he was sitting outside during a decent early summer day. Then, his English teacher, Miss Bailey, came up to him. She had two carrots, one stuck in each ear. He was confused, but she said one word, "Shift." 

He instantly woke up. "SHIFTED ALPHABET!" He whisper-yelled, for he did not want to wake up his parents. He quickly typed a note on his phone in case he forgot. He then went to sleep, satisfied with knowing what to do the next day. 

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