I'm Watching You

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As I walk home from Nicola's house the sky begins to darken. I pick up my pace and finally reach my home. None of the lights are on inside, I know Mum will still be at work and won't be home till four in the morning and I'm guessing Charlotte will be in her room which is round the back of the house.

I stop at the front door and start to bury through my bag trying to find my house keys. When I find them I turn to the white plactic door and slot in my key twisting it and unlocking the door. I step into the security of my cozy home and call my dog, " Phoebe! Come here!" I just finish as my old english sheep-dog comes racing down the hall. I stroke and pet her untill I realise that I havent had dinner yet. I saunter into the kitchen and pull out some pasta. Just as I'm boiling the water from the ketle the phone rings. I jump the sudden at the sudden sound then laugh for being so silly at myself then then pick up the land line

"Hello," I say in a lazy tone.

"I'm watching you,"  I slowly take the phone away from my ear and stare at it.

" Who the hell is this!? This isn't funny!"  I shout down the phone in an angry rant. I hear a raspy laugh and then the line goes dead. I shake myself off ' It's probably just some stupid kid playing a dare on me' I think to myself. The ketle goes off and I pour it into the pan of pasta I turn on the hob and sit down on my kitchen table playing 'unicorn dash' when the phone starts ringing, again. I know the kid won't do the same thing again and pick up the phone.


" I'm watching you," I guess that kid will do the same thing again. I sigh and hang up.

My dog starts growling ' I think she needs to pee'  I think, I have got to stop doing that! I grab her lead and hook it on to her collar. Phoebe starts growling ' maybe she's hungry'  I walk into the kitchen, bend down and grab her bowl and fill it up with food. She walk's over and starts to eat  her ' Duck and Rice kibble'. I walk over to my over cooked pasta turn off the hob and pour it into the bowl not bothering with sause,  I sit down and am about to start eating when the phone rings.


"I can see you, but can you see me?" That's it I hang up and call the operater.

"Hello, how can I help you?"  The operater says,

"um well I keep on getting these calls saying ' I'm watching you and I can see you but can you see me? I was wondering if you could track it for me."

"Yes of course I'll call back in a minute, if you keep on getting them call the police,'

"Thank you! Bye!" I say then hang up.

I turn around and see the the dog eating my dinner. Then she just stops she turns to the back door and starts growling.

" Phoebe! It's a Fucking cat! Get over it!" I shout but she continues to growl the phone rings and I pick it up.

Befoe I can get a word out the operater starts screaming down the phone.

" Go next door to a neighbour the call is coming from outside your house!"

I yelp as a masked figure jumps at my window. Glass shatters as I run and pick up three long knives from the draw. I grab my phone and drag Phoebe out of the front door I hear foot steps behind me and throw a knife at the person. It just slashes his leg, he screams and pulls out a rusty knife I unlock my phone and call the police. 

"Please help theres some guy in my hou-" my phone gets knoked to the floor I scream as loud as I can hoping a neighbour will hear think somthing is wrong. I can hear the person down the other end trying to speak to me I. I stare at the person and say the first thing on my mind " Fuck you," then run through the door. I run over our lawn and start to thump my balled fists against the door. I stop for a second. I turn around and the masked freak is there. I hear the door behind me open and I prance in.

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