Jennifer stretched out face down on the dry boards of the down on and peered through one of the cracks. below germ the shadowed water swirled around the post. slashes if sunlight poured through the cracks and rode the tiny ripples of sea water. A huge splash of water over her brought her to her feet. Jeremy! she shrieked at her twin as he headed down the beach with his empty pail. If you don't quit sneaking up on me I'll .......! you'll what? Jeremy gray eyes sparkled as she caught up with him. with a whoop , Jennifer grabbed his pail. she filled it in the surf and drenched his sun bleached hair . Jeremy called them even and they sat down on the edges of the dock. and watch the. water go by Jennifer well I love the ocean because god made all Jeremy. did you now Jennifer aunt Helen coming over Jennifer well
let go to the log cabin. because. we need to start cooking
lunch Jennifer Jeremy can. you get the meat out. the freezer Jeremy here the meat Jennifer well you can. he
,e papa hey do. y'all. need help with. any thing Jennifer well the potato Need to be pilled well papa said I'll help you if. you help me. with get Ms rose to go out with me Jennifer I now you like my old teacher papa said well I been seen her. walking around the beach all alone Jennifer well papa why don't. you go. talk to her well papa well I try to talk to rose today
and for one she told me to. get away form her she said I was ugly. I now I'm in. love with her but
well Jennifer said I'll talk to her Jennifer walking out side hey Ms rose. wait up rose what do you want Jennifer well. my dad like you and he would like to get to now you better and. why you so. mean now I really like you in school you don't have to take o your anger out on some one else you love I see how. you look at. my dad. he love you do yo now that rose I don't now what to say but if I like him. it. none of your business your on private property. off face flushed with anger the man gestured down the mound private prop-! Jennifer. grand cut her off. just hood your peace. stranger tramps said firmly we'll leave wide eyed the children scrambled down after gramps the man stood up to rose look rose I do. love you but look. you don't have to be so mean cause God now what you doing what if you were on the streets and homeless because I now you well come. to me for help so. get out my face with the type of attitude rose look. I don't need no ass like you tell me what to say to a man like you all y'all do is rip girl heart out and look. I just want it stay alone gramps look I'm not going to start trouble but get off my land and ever come back. until. you can get your attitude right with your self and other even God rose don't come to me with the god shit cause I don't care about no one feeling but bye I don't want you I don't. need you papa. well I would be careful what you say to me cause what I said early rose walking away Jennifer I'm sorry papa I can't change some one that don't want to me change she just been nice in. my old school years ago but I don't now what happen to. her cause mom is the same why cause her mom just died. like
last week papa oh my gosh I think I went to school with. her mom Jennifer well. that cool