Chapter one: if these sheets were states

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Skylars pov:

Hey im skylar im currently on tour with a bunch of people in a small bus. I deal with guys deciding to pee in bottles and not throw out trash every. Fucking. Day.

Right now we are in the bus heading to our next venue for the bryan stars tour. "Hey drake." I said. "What?" He mumbled.

"Do we have any more peace tea?" I asked. "Nope." He said popping the p. "Ugh okay well looks like im gonna need to spend some money." I said and sighed.

Drake chuckled. We pulled up to the gas station and i ran out of the van and stretched. This van is not a luxury nice touring band. No no no no no.

This was a fucking tiny ass van with lets see.... Brady, clayton, dalton, raegan, bryan, drake, bernie, bradys friend, and myself.

It sucks. I ran around the parking lot and then ran into brady and we both laughed. "Woah you having fun?" Brady asked.

I laughed "yeah!" I said. We walked into the little store thing went to the bathroom and bought some things.

I got about 5 peace tea cans and i got some gummy candy and Cheetos.

Bryan payed for us. I looked at raegan and waved her to come over next to me. "Hey lets do something to show bryan our thanks." I whispered to her.

"Okay like what?" She whispered back. I told her my idea. We got out into the parking lot and ran to go hug bryan.

We both kissed his cheeks and he blushed we laughed. "Woah what was that all about?" Bryan asked while chuckling.

"We just are very lucky to be on this tour!" Raegan said. "Yup!" I said popping the p. He hugged us.

"Hey what about us we have been on a tour bus all day long too!" Clayton said. I sighed and went to go hug him and dalton and brady.

We got back in the bus. "Lets all sing a song!" I said. "NO!" Drake said. We laughed " 1,2,3 go!" I said i started to sing the song twinkle twinkle little star and i pointed at someone when it was there part.

What? I was bored! We all sang and clapped. "Hey kids shut up!" Bernie our bus driver said. He was only joking though he's actually really nice.

I mocked him "hey bernie stop being a dick!" I said mocking him. Everyone laughed even ernie. Good guy, good guy.

We got to the hotel that was near the venue. We unlocked the hotel door. "Ewww." I said. It was disgusting.

I walked into the bathroom. "AHHHHHH!" I screamed. Bryan ran in "what?!?" He asked. "Theres a bug!" I said and pointed to it. Bryan hates bugs just ew ew no no.

"Okay well im going to ask for another room." Bryan said. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Bryan calm down its just one bug and.... Meeeehhhh." I said.

"Oh yeah like your gonna do something." Bryan said. I stepped on the bug and it well... Died.

"Skylar!" Brady yelled. "Whaaaaaa?" I yelled back. "Can you come kill all the other bugs too?" Brady asked.

"Eh... What?" I said. I ran out there and me and brady screamed together. He hugged me and i hid my head in his chest.

"Wow my prince charming." I said and laughed. I sat on the bed being as far away from the bugs as i could.

"Here." Brady said and took off my shoe. He threw it at the bug and ran away and everyone laughed. "Oh cinderella here is your high heel shoe or... Converse whatever." Brady said laughing.

He got on one knee and put the shoe on my foot. "It fits!" He said. I got up and jumped on the bed "yayyy!!!" I said playing along.

"What shoe size do you even wear?" Dalton asked. I plopped down on the bed from jumping. "Ermmmm." I said looking at my shoe.

"Size 4 and a half..." I said. "Dayum thats small!!!" Clayton said. I laughed "way to point the obvious." Raegan said.

I decided to unpack my stuff and tune my guitar. One of the strings broke.

"God damnit." I said. Brady came and sat next to me.

"Need help?" He asked. I nodded and he took the guitar and fixed it somehow... I hugged him. "Thanks!" I said and he nodded. "Hey do you guys want taco bell?" Drake asked.

I jumped up and down like a child "yessss!!!" I said. Drake laughed. "Okay be back soon actually before i leave how about you guys write down what you want." Drake said laughing.

I wrote down what i wanted and handed it to drake.

I plopped on the bed and went on tumblr. Dalton plopped on the bed next to me. "What?" I said still looking at my phone.

"I dont know." He said. "Go be gay with brady or something." I said laughing. He laughed too knowing i was only joking.

"Ugh okay." He said and got out of bed and walked over to brady to hug him.

Dalton smiled and brady looked confused and looked at me.

I laughed and mouthed "he is weird." And brady nodded.

"Hey bud." Raegan said and sat next to me. "Yus?" I asked. "Ermmm..." She said.

"Do you have any pads?" Raegan whispered. "HA! Raegans gonna rip someones head of there neck!" I said.

Raged punched my arm softly. "Yeah follow me." I said and pointed to the bathroom.

"Here." I said giving her one. "Thanks!" She said and closed the bathroom door and i walked back to the bed.

I looked up from my phone and saw dalton fake humping clayton. I just stood there.

They werent actually gay they were just messing around and dont get offended i fully support gay rights.

Raegan came out and covered my eyes. "We shall go now." Raegan said. "DONT LEAVE ME!!!" Brady said and ran to my side.

We all left the room to go and explore. I dont know. We went outside and i found a frog on the wall.

I went to go touch it but before i could brady picked me up and pulled me away from the frog.

"Now i know you like frogs skylar but jesus christ you can touch slimy frogs and not bugs?" Brady said.

I shrugged and raegan laughed. I still went to go get the frog.

It sat on my hand and i touched it and it jumped off. "No come back! I love you!" I said.

I started to sing while fake crying "baby come back." I sang and raegan and brady laughed.

We walked around the hotel and yeah..



So i hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you thought about it in the comments and vote for this chapter maybe?

And we can be friends obviously because you like brady and late nite reading! So go follow me on twitter my twitter is

@autumnlynnhemi and tell me if you found me from wattpad and if you already follow me than thanks for the follow! Byeee!

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