My Bestfriend (Dedication: AJP)

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You are my Bestfriend since the start, you cared and loved for me, you were there through the tough times, you taught me to suck it up and get some balls when I needed them, you always taught me if you work hard enough the reward is unimaginable, priceless, precious, you taught me the importance in life and love, even though you can't love, and only hate, I accept that, you accept me for who I am, You don't care if I like Dubstep or I Screech loudly, You don't care, you might have tough skin, but right now I feel a gushy spot, haha, I remember from your 13th birthday party that you wanted a Louis Tomilson One Direction doll, I remember the reaction on your face the first time you opened it, you cried, but I wish you a Happy 15th Birthday, and I wish when we get older, you'd be able to pick up hot dudes and drive off into the sunset with them, and in the passenger seat is a cow and in the back is me, Happy Golden Birthday, Happy 15th Birthday Angie.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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