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Ahab's footsteps echoed through the the passage as he hurried down to the dungeons. His soldiers had found another. The gaurd opened the cell door and Ahab stepped inside. He saw a the woman trapped inside the a circle of salt.

"Leave us" he commanded.

The gaurds and the soldier left the cell. There was a clanging of keys and a click. The door was locked. Ahab walked into the circle.The woman folded her hands and looked up at Ahab with tears in her eyes.

"My lord! Forgive me", she wept,"I do not know what I have done to offend you so.Forgive my ignorance."

"Agatha, dear Agatha.You have done nothing.You are here because I need something from you."

"Anything, My lord, anything"

"I need your soul."

"M-My s-soul?" she trembled.


Ahab touched the woman's forehead.The woman gasped.Her skin shrivelled and turned dark. Her pupils turned white and then it was over. 

Ahab withdrew his hand. The woman fell to the ground. Ahab placed his hand on his chest. A sharp pain rushed through him. Agatha's soul, now, belonged to him. He smirked at the dead woman. 

Soon he would rule the world.


Atlas watched the deer with scrunitising eyes. It was a small herd. A large one was almost impossibleto come by in Draz Woods. Her eyes darted from one to another. The unsuspecting deer grazed on,savouring each mouthful. Atlas spotted a doe moving away from the rest. Fool, she thought as it neared her. She moved swiftly. She nocked the arrow and drew the string towards her face. Twang! The herd lifted their heads and fled. All except one. on the blood-stained grass, the doe lay writhing in pain.

"Good shot.", commented Gilbert. A proud smile crept into her face. "For a girl.",Gilbert added.

"At least I'm better than you.You can't bring anything down even if it is right under your nose." she scowled.  

Gillbert pulled his dagger and stabbed the doe in her heart,muttering the ancient words, that ensured safe passage into the next world. The doe shuddered. Dead. Her vacant eyes seemed to ask "why?". Atlas knelt down and shut her eyelids. Sleep. She moved away as Gilbert began skinning it.

"Sure is a nuisance. Here we are with magic in our blood, and yet we butcher our kill like those wretched humans. Ugh!."

"Na'az says we are not ready yet to use that much magic."

"That crazy old hag." Gilbert set fire to the pile of leftovers. He placed the neatly cut pieces into his satchel."I'm done.Let's go."

They set off toward home which was thirty-six kilometers away from Draz Woods. The green leafage slowly faded. The soft ground turned hard. Black rocks protruded from the earth. Moisture hung in the air. A cliff came into view. Water sprayed on Atlas' face as they neared the wonder of nature. Draz Falls. A untamed curtain of water cascaded down the mountain, hitting the rocks below. Atlas  laughed, her laughter drowning in the deafening roar. She loved the cold water on her face. No matter how many times she visited this place, she could never get used to it. Her eyes caught movement on the other side of the water. Gilbert pulled her behind a bush. She peeped out from her hiding place.

It was boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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