Admin Note - Important!

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Hello~ Quick things before the story!

I won't be going exactly by the game. Of course there's the basics, but here's what's different:

-Zen and Jumin are the same age in this. Seeing as how they are three or four years apart canonically, I'd rather switch that up.

-Going by appearances, of course they look a little different in a teen au but not majorly. Zens hair is a little shorter, stopping at about his shoulder blades and Jumin is just a bit smaller yet still bigger than Zen. This will be relevant I promise oOF

-Zen and Jumin are seniors along with V. Juniors are the Chois, Rika, and Jaehee. Little Yoosung is either a Freshman or Sophomore.

-There will most likely be a smut scene but probably just one and it won't be super hardcore. Lots of angst and some fluff though so have fun.

-This will be going by how the characters lived their life in their teen years. Zen isn't the successful actor yet and still doesn't have a place to live from running away, and Jumin is pressured by the company and all the women coming home with Mr. Chairman.

-I'm still somewhat a beginner. I've been writing for quite a while but I'm still learning, so I apologize if I've made any mistakes! Please point out any if you catch them.

-I'll most likely add more to this later but in the meantime, I hope it clears some things up ^^


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