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You reached down to finish clipping the harness on [Name] (a dalmatian you had been told) as they stood before you patiently, waiting for you to be done. You could hear their tail wagging, excited by the prospect of a walk even if they were on duty at the moment.

With fumbling fingers, you searched the top of the nearby table until they came across your glasses, and you carefully slipped them onto your face. You found your folding cane and put it in the inner pocket of your coat in case you needed it at any point, before getting to your feet and gently taking the bar on [Name]'s harness, hearing the jingling of your house keys as you picked them up, along with your bag which you slung over your shoulder.

"Time to go, [Name]." You told them cheerfully, and your dog immediately led you through the small and tidy living room to the main hall and the front door, which you locked behind you as you exited into the hall outside your flat. You could hear a small group of people being rowdy somewhere else in the corridor as you made your way towards the lift, [Name] calm and steady by your side, but you didn't pay them much mind until you felt someone roughly brush past you, loud laughing filling your hearing as the group pushed past towards the lift. There wasn't an apology. "I'm sorry, are you going down?" You called to them, unable to hear the lift announcing its direction over their loud talking. This drunk this early in the morning? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise you if they were only just coming home from their night out.

"Yeah, sure, come on in, mate," one of the men called to you, and you hesitantly accepted the invitation, [Name] sitting obediently beside you as you fit yourself into the corner, and the wall of noise had reduced to snickering.

"Ground floor please," you requested, your voice small compared to their boisterous ones, and there was more snickering as you heard someone moving over to the lift buttons.

Doors closing. Lift going ... up.

You gritted your teeth at the usual voice, trying to keep yourself from letting out a torrent of insults as the men laughed like children. Heck, children treated you more respectfully than these buffoons. Thankfully they got out at the next floor, continuing to laugh loudly down the corridor. You stayed in, even as the lift announced it would be going up more. There was only one in your building, and it wouldn't make any difference (besides, you didn't want to risk running into those men again if they did come back). Taking the stairs would take longer.

You heard [Name] whine beside you as the lift declared it had reached the top floor (the thirteenth because why not) and would've started feeling for the buttons to find the right one yourself, except at that moment the doors open and you felt someone entering the lift with you.

"Excuse me, I had an encounter with a hoard of drunkards who seem to have delighted in sending me up instead of down, could you perhaps tell me if they pressed the button for the ground floor at all?"

There was a moment of silence broken only by the lift announcing it was now going down (as if it had anywhere else to go) before you felt the person turn to face the buttons. Judging by the cologne that wafted towards you as they did that, they were male.

"Every button, except the ground floor," he uttered through gritted teeth, and you heard him angrily jab the button. Right now you related to this man on a spiritual level.

The silence was tense as the man leaned against the opposite side of the lift to you, [Name] panting beside you as the lift made its jolting journey down, stopping to open its doors at each floor for at least a minute while it announced itself. Occasionally you felt the man's eyes on you, but it wasn't in a way that made you feel uncomfortable as some did, and so you remained silent. [Name] pawed the ground restlessly, and you heard the man shift a little further away from you.

Male!Cruella De Vil X Blind!Male!Reader ~ LiftsWhere stories live. Discover now