Part 1/1

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"Alright Explorers, it's almost 11:00 and the park closes in an hour. I'm so tired, but I've gotta hit up this last haunted house!" Josh aimed his camera at himself and his friends Nova and Cody as they meandered through a crowd of teenagers being chased by creepy clown actors and actresses in gory costumes. "Oh snap!" Josh quickly dodged out of the way and continued on down the path past skeletal displays and glowing carved pumpkins floating in the pond of a water roller coaster.

"So we been to all the outdoor walk-throughs, we been in the new indoor haunted houses, the Freakshow one was my favorite. I rode some of my favorite rides at the amusement park and screamed a lot. We stopped and got dinner from those food trucks, and we got those fudge covered, deep-fried Oreos...yeah I'm still really full from that but I gotta get to this last haunted house!!!"

"Dude, you ate like a pig!" Nova laughed.

"I couldn't help myself! It was so good. I'm gonna be so fat after this trip, I need to work out!"

"Right!" A tawny buck with fluffy hair jumped into the shot. "I'm still stuffed from dinner too but at least we were smart enough to eat after we went on all those roller coasters." Cody laughed.

"Yeah, that's true!"

The video cut to footage of the trio walking up to the last haunted house on their list.

Josh focused the camera on the large warehouse in front of him as they got in the Fastpass line behind a group of people. "It's called the Slaughterhouse! We been hearing chainsaw sounds and screams, this place goes hard! We all got these Skeleton Keys, which means we'll be pulled away to do a challenge to escape the haunted house! I dunno what that'll be for a slaughterhouse, maybe we have to reach inside a dead body or something like a butchered animal prop thing, I don't know but it's crazy! Oh, it looks like they're taking some people inside!"

A coyote dressed as a butcher stepped out, counted everyone in front of Josh's group, and twice as many people in the regular line and took them into the haunted house. Now closer to the entrance, they soon heard a chorus of screams and loud banging on the walls.

When it was their turn to go in, the trio of friends were chosen to go inside with a group of terrified cubs and kits looking no older than 12 and 13.

Josh filmed in front of them as carnivorous vultures and wolves in bloody costumes jumped out at the teenagers walking ahead. He captured footage of butchered and bloodied carcasses swinging from the ceiling and slow motion footage of a fire with an empty spit hung over it.


"Oh nice, looks like we lost those teenagers!"

Cody sighed in relief. "Oh good, they were so annoying!" he laughed.

A towering female hawk in a bloodied butcher's apron marched towards them from around a corner and pinned Josh against the wall. She glared at all three of them with searing red eyes, seemingly waiting for something.

"Oh! Oh! Lemme go!" Josh laughed.

"Keys?!" The hawk slammed her axe prop against the metal wall behind him.

Josh jumped at the resulting noise and hurriedly held up the badge around his neck. "I got one!"

Nova and Cody showed their badges as well.

The actress let out a shrill shriek in their ears. "Come with me, victims." She took their paws and hooves in her talons and led them into a small room through a door marked with a bloody Skeleton Key. She slammed the door behind the group and took her place behind a butcher counter decorated with bloody parts.

"Aw look at this stuff, gross!" Josh got some close ups of the props on the table with his camera.

The three friends jumped and shouted in fear when the hawk slammed a large jug of dark liquid on the table while they were filming close ups. The clear jug had been covered with a printed label that read "Jug O' Blood" in big, drippy red letters.

"Oh shit, it's blood!" Josh blurted out.

The hawk glared at him and his camera. "You want to get out, right?"

"Well, sorta! I mean what choice do we have?"

"You can stay here with us, we need someone to hog tie around that spit out there. Roast ya over the fire."

"No thanks. What do we gotta do, stick our paws in the blood? I hope it's fake." Cody anxiously shifted his weight on his hooves.

"Oh it's real alright," the actress laughed in character. "I'm not going to ask you guys to touch it."

The hawk pulled out three small plastic deli cups and put them on the table in front of Josh, Cody, and Nova. She opened the fresh Jug of Blood and poured some of the thick, viscous liquid into the cups. In the dim light of the room, the liquid really did look like dark, coagulated blood. She pushed a cup in front of each victim and shrieked: "Drink!"

Josh took the cup in his free paw and examined it from all angles. "Oh it's like a shot!" He told the others as they lifted their own cups. "Like alcohol but it's blood inside. A bloody shot! I bet it's like red food coloring in hot chocolate or pudding or something... I don't know but I'm scared!"

"Drink it!" The hawk slammed her fist on the table. "Unless you wanna be roasted on the spit."

"Ah, geez, okay! One. Two. Three-" Josh stuck out his tongue, lapped the top of the deli cup and made a face. Then he smacked his lips and his expression relaxed. "Oh, it's chocolate, like sauce! Chocolate syrup shot! It's not bad, it's thick though and it was hard to swallow." He started to set the cup back down.

"All of it."


"Drink it all! Then I'll let you go."

Josh shrugged. "Alright goes nothing. Cheers!" He downed the whole cup in one gulp and licked at the roof of his mouth.

"Bottoms up!" Cody and Nova tossed theirs back without hesitation.

Josh turned to them when they had finished. "Yo, I can't imagine if we had to drink the whole Jug o' Blood." He laughed.

"Oh no, don't give her any ideas!" Cody whispered to Josh.

"Oh! Shit!" Josh set his cup down and fearfully glanced up at the hawk. "Yo, can we go now?"

"Hmm..." The hawk had smirked suddenly. She grabbed the jug of dyed chocolate syrup and slammed it onto Josh's empty deli cup, crumpling it beneath the weight of the chocolate syrup

Josh looked back and forth between the grinning hawk and her Jug of Blood. "Wait, no, I'm just playin'-"

"Don't want all this delicious blood to go to waste, do we?" She raised an eyebrow and peered down at him.

"But that thing is huge! I can't finish it all!"

"C'mon, put some meat on your bones...get it? Cuz you're in a slaughterhouse?" She laughed.

Josh turned to his friends. "Yo, should I do it?"

Nova nodded his head. "Yeah man, I'm sure you can fit more in that belly."

"I dunno man, I'm still so full from that dinner!"

"Chug, chug, chug!" Cody started the chant while Nova and even the hawk joined in.

"Dammit. Should have kept my mouth shut I guess!" Josh sighed and chuckled anxiously. "Alright, I'll try..." He lifted the gallon jug from the table and unscrewed the lid, sniffing at the chocolate liquid inside.

The hawk took the camera from him and held it out to record Josh standing in front of the counter with the jug of chocolate. "I'm keeping this little gadget if you don't drink it all." She stated matter of factly.

"What! No, that things expensive haha, no way." Josh addressed the camera. "I know she's just joking but, that cameras my baby!"

"So stop talking and start chugging, Skinny."

"O-okay, bouta drink this whole jug of blood!" Josh put his mouth to the bottle and reluctantly tilted his head back, allowing the chocolate syrup to flow onto his tongue. He filled his cheeks with chocolate and gulped it down all at once before he filled his mouth again.

After a few big swallows, he'd barely made a dent in the volume of chocolate within. He paused to catch his breath and to look around at the hawk with his camera and at his friends Cody and Nova cheering him on. "There's so much!"

"Keep going, dude! You got it, make some room in there!" Nova snickered as he patted Josh's slim stomach over his hoodie.

Josh put the bottle to his lips again and took several deep gulps of chocolate. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he chugged the syrup and the liquid in the container started bubbling at the top as the level slowly decreased.

Josh breathed steadily through his nose as he guzzled the contents within the gallon jug. When he lowered the jug for another break, the jug was almost half empty and chocolate sauce oozed from his mouth.

"Oh man," Josh burped into his fist and swayed on his paws. "My stomach hurts!"

The hawk screeched. "Keep drinking if you want to live!!!"

Josh took another big gulp from the jug while rubbing his belly with his free paw. He set it down on the counter for a moment, gasping for breath.

"Whew, I don't know guys..." Josh looked down and patted his belly with both paws. "I'm so. Full." His tummy was starting to appear bloated - it pushed the front of his hoodie out and was poking out over his jeans.

Cody had pulled out his phone and was recording his friend. "Chug the blood, man! You're like halfway there!"

Josh cast a pleading glance into his own camera and at the staring hawk who was holding it. He took the jug in both paws and hesitantly brought it close to his lips. "Ahh!" Josh threw his head back with the bottle in his mouth and squeezed the sides of the jug with both paws.

Thick chocolate syrup shot into his mouth as if it were connected to a hose. The liquid filled his mouth and dripped out the corners of his lips until he was rapidly swallowing mouthful after mouthful of the chocolate. His belly visibly swelled after just a few deep gulps of the chocolate syrup.

Half of the syrup was left, then a quarter. Josh's tummy gurgled as it grew and he burped after each swallow that brought more chocolate cascading down his throat.

Josh's breathing became heavy and labored as he drank slower. He moaned as the rich chocolate poured down his throat and oozed into his belly.

"Whoa, look at his stomach!" Nova pointed to Josh's stomach, which was noticeably bloated.

"Oh yeah, suck that blood down. You're a vampire!" Cody snickered, making Josh laugh with his mouth full of chocolate.

The hawk actress shrieked. "Drink faster! We like to fatten our piggies up before we eat them!~"

"I'm - hic! - trying! Ugh, my stomachs really full now." Josh gently patted his belly and looked into his camera. "Last bit...this one's for you, Explorers. Cheers." He looked up at the ceiling and tipped the bottle upside down above his open mouth to let the rest of the chocolate drain onto his tongue. He then slammed the empty bottle on the counter and threw his paws in the air in triumph before he swayed on his feet.

His friends cheered and high-fived him.

"Oh, that was rough. Unf." Josh burped and thumped his chest with his paw. "Will you let us go now?"

The hawk clapped him on the back and handed over his camera. "I was going to let you go anyway but now you know you can chug a gallon of chocolate syrup. You can really pack it in there, Skinny!"

Josh sighed heavily and his eyes rolled back a bit. "Someone's gotta...yo, one of you guys is gonna have to roll me outta here...I'm serious!"

"How does it feel?"

"You're like so bloated dude."

"I know man, my stomach is hurting so much it's like-"

"Get out!!" The hawk kicked the door open and ushered them out, they could hear her laughing maniacally as she slammed the door.

Josh stumbled into the next room, holding his camera in one paw and supporting his full tummy with the other.

The trio had walked out into a factory setting complete with blood-splattered meat processors, saws, and scales filled with bloody paws and tails of all species.

A hyena gleefully weighing bloody raccoon tails on a scale leaned in close as the trio passed through. "Can I have your tail? Pretty please? I need it!"

"No, I like my tail where it is - still attached!" Nova replied as they scurried by.

A female cheetah with solid white contacts and tattered clothes emerged from the darkness behind a fake wall to poke Josh's tummy. "Here, piggy piggy~" She called.

Josh squeaked. "Whoa! Hah, that tickles. Hic!"

The hallway of gory equipment gradually narrowed until it ended in a dark claustrophobia tunnel.

A vulture danced around while rapidly gesturing to the airbag tunnel before them. "Down the garbage chute! Rotten meat!"

"We're rotten meat now so we gotta go through the trash I guess!" Josh watched Nova push through the walls of tight airbags followed by Cody. "Let's see if I can even fit through here, I ate so much and then had all that chocolate syrup, I don't even know..."

He pushed his paw through first, holding his camera so that it was aimed up at him as he tried to push his way through. The black airbags squeezed Josh's bloated stomach, making him grunt and moan. The pressure from the airbag walls even pushed a few burps out of him.

"This hurts my stomach!"

After a few seconds, he finally pushed through to the other side of the tunnel, where he exited the building with his friends.


The video cut to footage of Josh, Cody, and Nova walking back to their car in the crowded parking lot.

"Alright we're going back to our hotel now, I'm so full I can barely walk and the car is still so far away!"

"Yeah you're like waddling dude." Nova snickered.

"I know man, that chocolate, it filled me up! Dude, someone's gotta carry me back."

"No way man, you're gonna be too heavy!"

"I know, I know!" He laughed, then addressed his camera. "Alright guys, peace, Rise Above, and just get out there and - hic - explore!"

Bloating with JoshWhere stories live. Discover now