Heart Vacancy- A Nathan Sykes Fanfic

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Faith's P.O.V

I can't believe she's making me go, i thought as i got ready to go to a The Wanted concert. "Why do i have to go? Im happy enough just staying at home where im safe and happy" I moaned while trying to squeeze into my skinny jeans. Ellie gave me THE look. She always gives it me before she goes off on one of her famous rants.

"Because you can't live your life stuck inside this house. After everything He put you through, you deserve to have some fun." Even though Ellie didn't say his name, ice cold shivers went down my spine, by just thinking about him. 

Ellie was my best friend. We were friends from the infant school all the way to high school but then lost contact for a few years, until last year when i bumped into her in the street. I was a toatal mess back then and she helped me so much. I practically owed her my life, so if she wanted me to go to a silly  concert for a band which i didn't even know, then that is the least that i could do for her. 

A fter we both finished getting ready, i put my purse, my anxiety tablets and my diary in my bag. Ever since, i  managed to escape Him i had really bad anxiety attacks everytime i go somewhere busy, but the tablets helped me stay calm. My diary was one of the most precious things i owned. I wrote everything in there. It really helped me after He was in my life, to write all my feelings and events down, it was like a comfort blanket. In the front of my diary was a picture of me and Ellie at her 19th birthday part last month, also there was my name and moblie number incase i accidently lost it.

"Are you ready to have the time of your life?" Ellie said with a huge grin one her face. I rolled my eyes at her whilst getting into the car to leave. There was only one word to describe Ellie when anything to do with The Wanted pops up and that is FANGIRL.

*At The Concert* 

There were so many people at the concert and we were on the front row. It was just over halfway through the concert when the started to sing 'Heart Vacancy', this made loads of the screaming fans push foreward incase the boys decided to let some fans onto the stage. My anxiety started to kick in at the amount of people that was around me. It was a good job i remembered my pills, i thought. I was about to open the lid to the pill tub, when a fan started to flap her arms about and knocked the tub out of my hand and sent it flying n the air. The pill tub ended up on the stage landing right next to a member of the boyband's foot. He was wearing a cap and a ridiculous amount of bracelets on his arm. He picked my pills up and once he saw that i was having a full on anxiety attack he jumped off stage to give me them back. He stayed with me until i calmed down, which i thought was incredily sweet of him. Before he jumped back on stage, he gave me a hug and asked if i was ok, i nodded at him and gave him a weak smile. "Im Nathan btw"

"Faith" i simply replied. He smiled at me and before i knew it he was back on stage singing his chorus of the song. During the rest of the concert Nathan kept looking at me and smiling. Each time he did Ellie gave me a little nudge and a cheeky grin.

After the concert had finished , i told Ellie that i was going to the girls toilet before we went home. "Ok ill wait in the car for you then" she said.

The toilets were so fancy and clean, i was the only person in there so i got my diary out and wrote everything that had happened down. Including my aniety attack and how the cute boy, nathan came and calmed me down. Once i had finished, i checked the time and realising that i had been there for a whole 15 minutes, i quickly place my diary on the sink and washed my hands before running out and into Ellies car.

"You took a long time" Ellie said during a yawn. 

"Sorry i was writing in my diary. Oh crap i forgot to pick it back up!" i yelled as i jumped out the car and ran back to girls toilets. Noticing that it had gone i checked each indervidual toilet carefully before admitting to myself that someone had took it. Well at least it had my number in it so whoever took it knows whose it is, i thought sadly as i was getting back into the car.

A/N: Hey everyone!! This is my first fanfic so please could you give me feedback it would be most aprecciated. Thank you for reading it and the next part should be up soon if you're interested :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2012 ⏰

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