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So I don't want to have to write a disclaimer in every chapter so this is one for the whole story! I DON'T own any of the PJO'S or The HoO characters, all rights go to those deserved, (Rick Riordan)


When he saw her, he new that he had to have her. He had a plan, to get her then break her heart. She thought differently, he was a jerk and a player. But why does she feel drawn to him? That's not possible, she can't love anyone until collage is over.

Third Person P.O.V

It was at Jason's party he first saw her. She was stunning; beautiful.

He had to have her. Yeah they had history but, So what! He wanted more than anything to break her heart. As mean as it sounds, thats what he did. He found it interesting seeing the whole female population swoon for him. This girl 'Annabeth Chase' was his new project.

When the player, Percy came up to her she thought she was going to pass out. Why after all of these years does he suddenly decide to come and talk to her. She liked him but did she like him? No. He broke all the girls hearts, including her bestie Rachel's.

As Percy glided his way over to Annabeth he kept thinking, I wonder what her reaction will be when I ask her out?

"Excuse me?"

"Huh?" Percy asked.

"You just said 'her out' " A voice said from behind him.

"Oh, yeah I talk to myself a lot" He explained whilst turning around.

"You're Percy Jackson." The voice said.

"Way to state the obvious, Your Anniebeth?" Percy asked

"Annabeth" The girl snapped.

"Oh yeah! I remember where I knew you from, we dated in 9th grade at highschool!" Percy said, feeling proud that he remebered.

"You forgot?" Annabeth said looking a little upset.

"Duh" Percy replied.

"Oh.." Annabeth muttered.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me this Saturday?" Percy asked.

"NO! No you don't! I am not going to fall for you Percy Jackson! You have broken to many girls hearts, that I couldn't count them and if I did it would take months too!" Annabeth snapped.

"Oh well, I'll see you tomorrow then Anniebeth" He said just to annoy her.

With that she turned on her heal and stormed off thinking he doesn't give up that easily.

And how right she was.

How was that? I know not very long but still?!

Please comment and vote! It would make my day!

You guys are all so awesome! :D


I'm planning on updating once a week, sometimes it might be twice a week!

C Ya All



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