Hifumi "Cat Man" Yamada

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literally look at his mouth he's making the bastard version of ":3".

my friend told me he was voiced by the same guy that voiced kiibo and I was sold, I love Kiibo to death. I actually made a religion surrounding him but I'll... talk more about that another time...

His tie is nice and all but the arrow should be pointing downwards..... no it shouldn't.

I swear I've seen that hair style before, I swear I watched a show where the main lead had that exact hair style, and for the life of me I can't remember the name. it was like... Astro boy? astroman? it was a fun show, I liked it.

seriously what's up with his mouth

Is he a murderer? He's got a murderer vibe but also a innocent person vibe? At the same time? I'm not sure, but I've seen a lot of execution scenes and I don't recall him having one. Then again it's been a really long while.

(i asked my friend and they told me he was executed and was a victim. F.)

his eyes freak me out. Everyone else has semi realistic eyes! Why is he just... dot dot done?

I'm learning Japanese and I instantly was able to match his name with the correct hiragana I feel somewhat proud of myself, idk, I started a month back and I haven't really made any progress but at least I got hiragana down!

Speaking of his name, he has the same last name as that dude from Yandere Simulator! I think. Doesn't it mean "Rice Daddy"?

i meant to write rice paddy but rice daddy is hilarious im keeping that


I wonder what his voice sounds like, especially in the English dub

I tried searching up "hifumi yamada voice" but YouTube is just giving me memes. not that im complaining but-

whatever ill give him my own voice! he's gonna sound like the yugi-ohs dude, he looks like he watches yugiohs

一二美山田 is that how you write his name in Japanese? damn that font is fancy

oh my god wait is he a weeb?? I just remembered that hairstyle is from an old anime, that's the show I watched! fuckin weeb,, i bet his backpack is full of them Hentais and Mangoes...

(and here we watch a weeb make fun of other weebs)

my friend confirmed it he's a weeb now that's his entire personality, Ultimate Weeb/Fanboy

Hifumi: (yugiohs voice) You can't say you're a fan of the anime if you never read the manga.
some fukin dweeb idk: did u just say yugiohs voice out loud

In short, Hifumi Yamada is a weeb, but seems to have good taste. Probably. His tie is cool and he needs to show me how he does that cat mouth thing. I get I could sit down and watch Boku no Pico with this fine man.

Golly gosh gee, I sure hope he doesn't die! :)

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