New God

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    "It's over, it's finally over...."

The long, harsh battle between the God of Light, Bhunivelze and the Savior, Lightning has finally ended. A new world will be created and it's people reborn. A world where you decide your fate, a world of freedom to live as you please. It was finally over.

   Lightning stood still to catch her breath, waiting for whatever to happen next. A moment later the landscape became hazy to pure white. Transparent, misty figures began to form in front of Lightning. It was all her friends, including Serah, and large orbs of light surrounding them that she assumed to be the souls she and Vanille saved. There were so many of them, she wondered how far back in time did the souls come from.

   Lightning could see smiles. Smile on the faces of her friends. She would finally be reunited with them, with Serah. She's waited so long to be with her precious younger sister and it was time, she could hardly wait!

   As soon as she started to relax, Lightning felt a dark, eerie, familiar presence behind her. Fear start to seep in and her heart raced in a panic. Was the battle to continue on? She turned to see two familiar faces, one of them gave her great fear. "Caius...."

   Caius and Yeul stand before her, Caius' expression ever unreadable. She had no idea what was going to happen next.

   "Hunter of souls, you have completed your mission and now you must serve as the new Etro", he spoke in an unusually non hostile tone. Lightning's heart sank. She had forgotten that once she had defeated Bhunivelze, she would be deemed the new goddess of death. She's never see Serah or anyone again. After being strong for so many centuries, she didn't know if she could handle it any longer.

   "But", Caius began, Lightning froze, "if you were to accept one of the Yeul and become the God of this new world, I shall take your place. I will rule over Valhalla and repair the flow of chaos, life, and death while watching over the rest of Yeul's incarnations."

   Lightning couldn't believe it. The man of destroyed the previous world now want to help it. She sensed a change in his morals, almost like he's becoming human again. She nodded trusting his word but could she really handle being God? Whatever the case, she was grateful to him for letting her be with her sister and friends again.

   The many Yeul incarnations began to appear behind Caius with a smile on their faces. For some reason, she felt sorry for Caius. He has no one left but to spend eternity with countless Yeuls and no where to belong. A small part of Lightning's heart wish the she could have brought salvation to Caius.

   Caius sent a Yeul over to Lightning's side. As Caius and the others Yeuls began to fade away, Lightning noticed the sadness and lonelyness in his eyes, something she never thought she'd ever see. In Valhalla, his eyes were strong and fierce, you couldn't look away. Now it is replaced by tired, sadness. Lightning couldn't control her emotions, for she wanted nothing to do but to soothe him somehow, but she didn't know how. Why did she feel this way?

   As they drifted further and further a part, Caius spoke once more, "Savior, what will you name your new world?"

She thought for a moment until she came up with one. "Bhunivelze", she called out. Ironic.

   At that moment, Caius was completely gone from her sight. Something was compelling her to close her eyes and as much as she fought to stay awake, consciousness slipped from her body. Everything faded to black.

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