Chapter 1

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Deku sat in his bed, it was only just light outside and Denki was still asleep. He quietly got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, made himself some breakfast and sat eating it.

He had only been the Number 1 Pro hero for a couple of years now but he was already getting recognised as much as All Might had, he sighed happily and smiled at the thought that he was able to carry on All Might's legacy.

When it came the time for Deku and his friends to graduate from U.A High, All Might had pulled him aside, he had thanked Deku for being the one to inherit All For One and for making him proud, he had cried a lot that day.

Deku had grown a lot since then, he had gotten taller and had put on a considerable amount of muscle, not quite as much as All Might, but enough so that he seemed like a completely different man.

Deku saw his phone vibrate in the bedroom, he walked through to it and answered " Hey, oh hey there Kacchan, what's up ? sure ok, no I'll let Denki know, ok bye" he hung up and turned round to see Denki awake and staring happily at him.

" Everything ok Babe ?" Denki asked, Deku nodded and started getting Dressed into his hero costume that lay on the bed " Yeah don't worry, just Kacchan letting me know that I'm needed" Denki smiled nodding " Ok cool, I'll see you later" they kissed and Deku left for work.

Denki Smiled to himself and lay back on the bed, thinking about Deku and how proud of him he was " Good job baby" he whispered to himself " Good Job" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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