Celes "spoilers mcgee" Navidad

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My friend won't tell me her actual last name because "it's spoilers" so you get this bad pun instead. I guess I could search it up but it's funnier for you if I don't, maybe.

I'm pretty sure she's a maid.

maidou... maidou...

she also looks like a vampire. look at her pale ass skin, where the melanin at girl? and her eyes, like damn. vampire maidou. Ultimate Vampire Maidou! That was easy, usually it takes like a good hour to come up with these.

does she have dimples?? or is that like bumps where her fangs are sticking out?

also she can probably manipulate gravity how else can you explain her hair.

isn't there another character named Celestia? my one friend won't shut the fuck up about how hot that guy is lmao

wait, maybe she isn't a vampire, but someone suffering from the transition into becoming a vampire after being bitten by one. she's wearing a bow, probably to hide the bite mark. that's the only piece of evidence I have though, so Ultimate Vampire Maidou stays.

I want to say she's a serious Maidou, but she's smiling so I can't imagine her as anything other than sassy and sarcastic

Rich Bitch: gimme my milk u gremlin peasant I could buy your entire family

actually I can't think of anything she could say to even rival that, rich bitch has won this round

do u think if she were a boy she'd be named carl bc she has very strong Carl energy. don't ask me to explain what that means.

her hair makes me uncomfortable because it's not like badly designed or anything but if some pretentious douchebag woman unironically hired someone to cut her hair like that I feel like she would never hear the end of it and I feel like Celes would probably also never hear the end of it, like

Dickhead: Hey! Did your barber mistake your bangs for vegetables, because—
Celes: Because it's choppy and you chop vegetables, I know, I know, it's fucking choppy, Chad, I fucking get it, you've made the same joke ten times in the last hour, get some new fucking material, Chadley, I could roast myself better than you, Chadley Stevenson, and mention how much work I put into this goddamn hairdo for nothing, Chadley D. Stevenson, and even though that's not a roast it's still better than your redundant ass coming in like fucking Dory FindingNemo saying the same fucking roast you said like ten minutes ago, Chadley Dick Stevenson, fucking hell man this hairdo puts more work into staying up than you put in your lameass roasts.

respect anime girls and the work that goes into their anime curls.

In Short, the Ultimate Vampire/Vampire Victim Maidou could roast you as long as you aren't her employer. I'm conflicted on her hair but you know what? It's fine. It's not hurting me, and she probably likes it, so who am I to judge? She is happy living her life. Leave her the fuck alone, Chadley.

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