Chapter one

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     "Why did you leave me?" a voice said, from behind her. She turned around and was face to face with her older brother. A gun in his hand and tears running down his cheeks. He raised the gun and pointed it towards her. She raised her hands up, showing that she surrenders.

  "Luka put the gun down," she pleaded. Tears formed in her eyes.

  "Why should I? You never cared about what I did, until now?" He has a crazed look in his eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up. He was smiling like a madman. And it scared her.

   He threw his head back and let out a sickening laugh. This went on for a good minute until he fell to his knees and started to cry. Cassandra walked up to him to embrace him. But he just held up his gun. "Get the hell away from me! Cassandra stood shocked. The gunpoint was now at her head, shaking.

  She closed her eyes, ready to hear the sound of the gun going off. A loud clatter noise caused her to open her eyes again. 

   "Cassie, I can't!" Luka cried and crumbled on the floor. He held his head as if, he was fighting something in his mind. Cassandra reached for the gun as another hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. "I can't do it!" A man in a cloak fired the gun.

  She jolted and woke up in the familiar room. Her hands traced the bed and grabbed the sheets, in disbelief. The only light visible was coming from her alarm clock. It read 5:30 am. She calmed her breathing and wiped her face dry of the beaded sweat on her nose and forehead.

  From the millions of these dreams, always the gun, the death in the end. You'd think she would have gotten used to, but there was no escape. The thunder made her jump as she looked out into the pouring rain.

  The rain reminding her of her own tears. The fateful night when she lost her last family member.    "Why couldn't you protect him?!" She whisper-screamed at herself each moment she sat in her bed, the longer she regretted everything she's done. Cassandra got up and walked to the bathroom.

  She washed her face and she looked at her reflection. Her face turned sour at the girl she sees in the mirror. The girl who is too weak. You couldn't save your dad, mom, or even your brother! Her fist pounded the sink's edge. "Why?" she asked into the darkness that surrounded her. The lights flickered on, causing her to jump.

  "Hey, are you ok?." Cassandra looked towards the door. Her roommate, Blair is starting back at her with a worried expression on her face. " I heard you crying, so I just came to check up on you." Cassandra patted her face dry with a towel.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I had a bad dream, it's not that big of a deal." She shut the bathroom door and walked to the living room, with Blair following behind.

  "Well, it seems like a big deal to me," she crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't like to see you hurting. It's better for you to talk about it." Blair plopped down on the couch. Silence took over the room. "I can't pretend anymore," Blair whispered. Cassandra looked back at her with confusion.

  "What do you mean?" she asked.

  "I can't just sit here and pretend that I don't hear you crying at night. I can tell that it's just more than that." Blair looked at Cassandra in the eyes.

  "It's just a dumb dream," she said back.

  "I don't even care about the dream anymore. I'm just worried about you!" she yelled, "You don't even talk to me anymore. So, how am I supposed to know how you are feeling?"

    Cassandra looked around the room, the darkness as she remembered that night. "I would, but it's complicated. The reason why I don't tell you is that I don't want to have you worrying about me." She stood up and got another glass of water.

  "Well, it's too late for that." The only sound was coming from the faucet. "Cassie, please just talk to me." Cassandra's eyes widen and she drops the glass. It shatters on the floor and the water sinks into the wooden floor.

  "Don't call me that!" Cassandra snapped her head over to Blair grabbing her shoulders "You don't understand. I can't tell you, they'll kill you!"

  Blair stood in shock at the sudden movement "I wish this was easier to explain but, it's not" Cassandra muttered to herself letting go of Blair. Cassandra sighed and pulled out her bag out of the closet. "I can't stay here and I wish you understood. It would put this whole place in danger that people can't withstand." Blair stood up and took the bag out of Cassandra's hands

  "What do you mean? You're not making any sense" Blair stepped back as Cassandra tried to grab the bag out of Blair's hands. Please just tell me what's going on with you! Blair yelled.

  "No, I can't because everyone I loved is either dying or dead and I can't risk losing you."Don't lecture me about what I'm hiding when you don't tell me your problems!" Cassandra snatched the bag from Blair.

  "Cass, wait", Blair says. Blair was on the edge of tears as she turned to Cassandra.

  "No! You think I don't know how you stress yourself or how you come home late because you're working overtime. Bair had a shocked expression on her face, "Yeah don't look so surprised, I've known about that for a while now." Cassandra slung the bag over her shoulder and opened the door

  "Where are you going?" Blair asked.

  "Out." is all Cassandra could muster as she walked out of the apartment.

  Walking was the only way Cassandra could clear her mind, she's been running from her problems for so long, she needed a break. She walks over to the nearby park. She flung the bag onto the bench and relaxed on the swing.

 She realized how dark it was now. She checked her watch, 5:53 am. Her breath could be seen, he closed her eyes breathing in the cool air.

  "I'm sorry, but I've already lost him. I won't lose you too," she whispered to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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