2007!Leo x Reader

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(Y/n)'s POV

           "Obrigado pela carona (Thanks for the ride)!" I said to the driver of a tan Jeep.

           "Você é bem-vindo princesa (You're welcome, princess)." The elderly gentleman called back as he drove off. I smiled at the name and waved goodbye. 'He reminds me so much of grandpa.' I thought. Once the Jeep was out of sight, I finally turned and took in my surroundings. A quaint little village was to my right and to my left was a thick jungle full of life, mystery, and shadows. The humidity and bug level was extremely high, but hey it's Central America, what're you gonna expect. At least the air here is fresher and less polluted than back home in New York. 'The guys are going to be so ticked when they find out where I am.' I thought with a light laugh. Then a familiar tune escaped my pocket.

           "Speak of the devil." I pulled out my Shell-cell and answered it. "Hello?"

           "(Y/N), WHERE THE SHELL ARE YOU!!!!!!" A voice boomed at me.

           "GAAAAHHHH!!! Geeze Raph, dial down the volume before I go deaf." I complained.

            "According to the tracker I installed into the Shell-cells, she's in.... Central America!" I heard Donnie say in the background.

            "WHAT??!!!!! Why the freak'in heck are you in Central America?!" Raph shouted again.

            "Why do you think?! And for Pete's sakes turn your voice way down!"

            "Oh no, why are you looking for him? He ditched us. We don't need him."

           "Will you shut up already and cut the bull. I don't care what you or any of the others say, we need him, I'm gonna bring him home even if I have to tranq and drag him back, and that's final. Now goodbye!"

            "(Y/n) wai...." I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket.

            "Now for the task at hand." I pulled out my machete from its sheath and entered the immense jungle.


            After hours of searching and vine hacking I've found no sign of Leo, though since he's a ninja and supposed to remain hidden I guess that's a good thing. The sun had long since set leaving the jungle in a shroud of shadows except for a few spots where the moonlight broke through the canopy. The nocturnal animals that reside here began to stir, becoming invigorated by the night atmosphere. I thought it wise to make camp for the evening and resume my search in the morning, so I climbed to the highest point I could in the closest tree and fastened myself to a branch with some rope (Katnis Everdeen style). I let the sounds of the wild lull me into a peaceful sleep, but that didn't last long since I was shortly awoken by a loud, shriek-like roar. I immediately untied myself, leaving my belongings safe in the tree, and went to investigate, though I did bring my machete and rifle just in case. I ran towards where the sound had come from and when I arrived at the source, I was enraged by what I saw. A large beautiful jaguar was suspended from a tree in a thick rope net snare, probably set up by poachers, and going absolutely ballistic. I had to help it, so I rushed over, but that only put the poor creature more on edge.

          "Ssssshhhh, hey it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." I cooed trying to calm the feline down.

        "And why should I trust you, human? For all I know you could be plotting my demise." He, definitely a he, replied as he continued to struggle.

         "I guess you have a valid point, but I could say the same about you. I mean, once I release you, you could easily overpower and eat me as a late night snack." I answered.

TMNT 2007 Leonardo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now