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If you look between the constellations of Aquarius and Capricorn with just your eyes, you might faintly see a small speck of the galaxy that holds a circumbinary planet. This planet may hold life, but in many ways, is unlike earth. The world is divided by a large river that to many, divides their lives. To the west of the river, there are the deserts and mountains, as well as the major monarchy of the world.
Those are the metallic dragonborn, and although they seem to the rest of the world as good aligned folk, they are quite cruel to their chromatic brethren.
The folk of the world had a peaceful heritage until the war between all creatures, because of the mistreatment of their chromatic counterparts. To appease his people, Prince Kriv, son of King Torinn, a Bronze dragonborn, and his lady, Queen Nala, a Silver dragonborn, took a simple wife of his direct counterpart, a White dragonborn with the name Sora.
The royal couple hatched two eggs successfully, the older one, a Bronze dragonborn, becoming the successor to the throne, the younger, a Silver dragonborn, being trained as a backup.
A few years passed and they hatched another egg, this one containing a young boy and girl. They pretended the girl didn't exist, but there were rumors. Rumors she was not metallic, but that would cause chaos, so they pretended she was always ill when asked.
One day, there was a panic at the castle, because the son in line to the throne fell deathly ill with his father and mother. They suspected poison, but there was no proof. Not even the best clerics could fix this. Before they died, the king announced that in his death the next son would be announced king that night. The next morning, the three would not wake, and the kingdom was silent in mourning of this.
Prince Xarzith was crowned King that same night with little planning, and there were plenty of commonfolk of the kingdom as witnesses, anyone they could find, as most nobles were too far for the King's wishes to reach so quickly.
That night, because of the lax judgment of the new King, the younger Prince was kidnapped. They left a note, with a ransome of 500 platinum coins.
"My King. I shall go find Prince Taujir. I will get him back."
"Dovah. I see why mother favored you. You are kind, despite father shunning and hiding you. Please, use whatever resources you need to find a team, and spare no expense. I will then give you the ransome. I will give you ten platinum pieces to start off, come back if you need more, my sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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