chapter 1

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Hey guys I don't know why this got unpublished and all the reads of this fanfic is gone so I'm going to publish them back when I have time I will edit it to make it better

Chapter 1
Ever wonder how it feels to move in with wanna one here is a story about choi Jae Eun who is a Korean that was born in Singapore she would move back to Korea to continue her studies in animation her uncle help her found a place that she could move in since her uncle live in Seoul and he have a friend that have a place for me to stay

Jae Eun Pov

"Jae Eun" said mum "five more Minutes" I mumble "you hear me young lady wake up" said Mum "I want to sleep more" said hugging mine pillow tightly "Choi Jae Eun" mum said my full name "ok mum I waking up" I slowly wake up then reality hit me today is the day I be moving to Seoul "mum you should have say what today was" said I quickly get up from mine bed to get ready and getting ready of my luggage

When I was done I went to eat my breakfast "did you pack all your important stuff" said Dad "yup I did" said I smiling "you better finish your breakfast after that we going get out soon we need to be earlier since we never know if there is going to be a traffic jam" said mum "ok yes madam" said I

After I was done eating we quickly went in the car and drove to the airport "mum is big bro Jason and big bro Jimin would be there" said I "I'm sure Jason would be there but Jimin I'm not sure he still haven't finish his shift" said mum "ohh than it's fine" said I giving a fake smile I really wish all my family would be there I know grandma would be there

A good thing that we went early and we arrive in the airport after 30 minutes Grandma was already there with big bro Jason but not Big bro Jimin I walk to them Grandma I'm really going to miss you" said I hugging her "little JaJa grandma is going to miss you too" said grandma "how about me" said big bro Jason"I miss you too" said I hugging him "little sis please be careful there you be in a foreign country" said big bro Jason "don't I get a hug to" said a voice I turn it was big bro Jimim with his girlfriend Emma "big bro I thought you had work" said I "they let me off earlier and look who is here" said him gesturing to Emma to tell the truth I always like Emma as a big sister she and big bro really suit each other "I have something for you" said Emma giving me a bag I wanted to open it but was stop by big bro "open it when you reach Seoul" said big bro Jimin "Jimin and I pick it especially for you"saud emma "oh ok then" said I the board said that I finally go in the departure area I was saw of it but I smile I turn to my family we all gave a big family hug I finally said farewell I went in the departure area and waited for my airplane

I went in the plane I sleep for most of mine plane ride "we are nearing to our destination please seat on your seat until we finally reach ground" said the flight attendant
I went out the arrival area I look for my name I found a guy who looked like around in his mid 30 holding my name I went to him "you must be yong hwa niece" said him "yes and you?" said I "Oh you can call me yoo I be showing where you be staying I won't be there long since I don't really stay I'm just a driver" said him "oh ok then" said I dragging my luggage into the car

We arrive there around 40 minutes "I'm sorry but I need to go first" said him driving off "ok Jae Eun you can do it I walk to the door and knock the door but no one answer I went to place my hand on the door knob it was unlock so I decided to walk myself in I decided to take a seat on the sofa but was startle by someone scream

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