54. kefi

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It's 7:44 pm and you're taking your seats, a bag of popcorn in hand.
It's 8:01 pm and you're peering down at the stage, waiting.
It's 8:18 pm and the crowd screams as the band makes their way onstage.
It's 8:26 pm and you're standing, bobbing your head to the music.
It's 8:53 pm and you're yelling the lyrics, waving your arms and dancing.
It's 9:25 pm and you're in line at the snack bar, hearing the crowd cheer.
It's 9:44 pm and the lights come on for intermission.
It's 9:56 pm and you're buying a shirt at the merch booth.
It's 10:02 pm and you're in a bathroom stall, changing into the new shirt.
It's 10:14 pm and you reach your seat, just as the lights turn off.
It's 10:21 pm and people are throwing glow sticks as the music plays.
It's 10:38 pm and the bright lights are flashing in your eyes.
It's 10:52 pm and you clap your hands to the beat, swaying your hips.
It's 11:05 pm and the theater smells of cigarette smoke as you inhale.
It's 11:18 pm and the lights flash white, illuminating thousands of faces.
It's 11:27 pm and the band leaves the stage, but the crowd yells for an encore.
It's 11:31 pm and the band returns, the crowd cheering.
It's 11:37 pm and you're dancing wildly, knowing the song will end soon.
It's 11:41 pm and the band leaves the stage again, the lights turning on.
It's 11:48 pm and you're finding your way back to your car, still giddy.
It's 11:54 pm and you're driving home, listening to the bands music.

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