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So my doctor or whatever said it would be a good idea if I kept a journal or something.

Like, that's meg blunt, I told him. Doctor Ford is a weirdo. He's like, meg old and he wanted me to write it on paper.

Like, no one has used paper in like, years.

"Youth these days need to get back to what the world is about blah blah blah." He kept telling me as I was checking my Facebook feed. It's really easy to do since we all have iChip implanted in our brains.

SchoolTM said only a few years ago people carried around handheld devices or whatever, but now that's all in our iChips we don't have to worry about typing. 

Doctor Ford made a sour face cause he must have saw my face go mal, that white milky stare people get in their eyes while they are on the WebTM.

But Jessicka posted this thing about Don and I HAD to see. She was all like, "Blah blah blah Don promised me we would see that new movie that stars the clone of George Washington and he falls in love with his secretary, but he took me to see that documentary on the meat farm processing plant of TysonTM!"

Don's like super cute, he has this cute flippy blonde hair and stuff. He's just like meg werid because he's always taking about like, the earth how there used to be real plants and dirt and stuff like in the movies everywhere.

Doctor Ford tapped on my forehead like a meg werido and gave that sour look again like he couldn't swallow a mouthful of something gross.

"Becka, I'm serious. You need to write it down somehow. Things your feeling. You hit your head hard I don't want your chip to be compromised." His face was criss crossed with age. Why he didn't just get implants like the rest of the world I don't know.
I looked up and rolled my eyes.

"Look I feel fine. Like, I know why you're worried, but I can still see everything like normal." I said, the screens of multiple sites and apps running across my eyes to prove him wrong.

He scratched his scruff covered chin and sighed.

"It wouldn't be too hard to keep a record. If you won't do pen and paper just post it to a site." He said, picking up his clipboards with that sour face.

"Alright. It's meg blunt though." I hopped off the metal table and for a second my feed of apps and purchace offers shook, and my throat burned.

I steadied myself on the edge of the examination table, feeling scared, but my Facebook feed came back, right in time to cover up Dr. Sours scowl.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and I just held out my wrist to pay my doc bill.

He held his wrist an inch away from mine, and a beep was heard. My credit score flashed across my eyes, I still had meg credits. My dad works for the UniversityTM. We never run low on creds.

My name is Becka Burns. Today's Valentine's day and Don doesn't like know I exist. To top it off I hit my head on a fricken toilet and my feed was down for a whole day.

I was meg down. I was so bored and things were just.... Weird.

I'm not used to not having the chip. We've all had it since we were babies if our parents could afford it, and thanks to the American Chip Act of 2025, we all could afford them.

Like, they'd give them out if you couldn't afford it.

And that would suck. I was SO bored. I couldn't watch my shows and I was just stuck alone. I felt so... Empty. Like without the feed my head was like bare.

But I fixed it so as long as I keep a journal and make sure my head is fine  it will be alright.

I gotta go. My hovercar is here and a new episode of Crafts With Chesle is on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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