A Party to Die For

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I look at my watch 10 minutes till midnight, I was just waiting for the midnight surprise whatever it is. I look at the table in front of me, on it is a creepy magazine but not creepy cause of a picture but it has a creepy feel to but it's something I can do for the next 10  minutes.


'Ok guys us there's one minute left to midnight get ready for something scary.' Matt says, I roll my eyes knowing it's not going be scary well a lest for me.



I roll my eyes.


This is stupid.


I find my self counting along




1 the lights go out.

'Ok guys this is meant to happen.' Matt says slightly scared.

I roll my eyes 'It's just a power out.'

'At just this house.' Some random girl says looking out the window.

'Well some power out can't stop your scary thing from happening, right?' I asks putting the magazine down.

'Well I need power to do it.' He says making me roll me eyes.

'Sorry guys but I have to go, Happy Halloween.' I say.

I walk to the door and go to open it but it doesn't, I then hear a scream from the other side of the house. I run down there and gasp at what I see, on the floor is Rose dead body blood all over the floor and painted on the wall in her blood is "it has started". Everyone else runs over some people scream at what they see.

I run to the bathroom and start hurling. After I finish hurling my guts up and I run back to the dinning room where anyone else is looking scared. 

'Ok guys.' Matt says jumping on the table 'Everything will be all right if we stick together.'

 'Yeah well if we are to stick together where's Jack?' I ask.

'He went to get some water.' A random kid says.

'Ok I'll go find him then.' I say and I go over to the kitchen.

I find Jack looking over the sink, no wait his head is in the sink and the sink is full of water. Then people some screaming out in the dinning room I don't know why but I run to the dinning room when I get there everyone is gone, chairs are knocked over, lollies are everywhere and cups have fallen over drinks coming out. I then hear footsteps coming towards me so I run into a cupboard hiding myself, the footsteps come closer and closer til it's right outside the cupboard and the door slowly starts opening. 

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