"what happens in vegas, stays in vegas"

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There was a pounding knock at the door, interrupting Tom's workload he has due. Nonetheless, he allowed entry to whomever was knocking. "Come in." Tom looked up to the door as footsteps made their presence in his office. It was his best friend Harrison, better known as Haz. His blue eyes and sandy hair were opposites compared to Tom's deep brown eyes and curly hair that matched his irises in shade. Tom fiddled with the cuffs of his dress shirt. What could Harrison need to tell him so badly that couldn't have been done simply over the phone?

"Mate, you've been invited to one of the biggest CEO gatherings in all of America." Haz began, his excited posh accent throwing Tom off a bit, as all he's been hearing since he began to work in the States was American accented voices. "It's more like a party but it's a jackpot for new employees or investors. God knows we need some," Harrison said, trying to coax his best friend into going. Haz was trying to keep his tongue from exposing the catch.

"Okay, alright. I'll go. When and where?" Tom asked, his voice was usually deep and commanding, as he trained it to be when pretty much talking to everyone. Right now it was tired. "It's in Las Vegas, not too far from Los Angeles. As for the date it begins tomorrow in the evening. If you're planning to go, I suggest you leave tonight. It's a four hour drive."

Tom stood, his hands pushing against the files and papers he was rustling through not too long ago. "Alright. I'll go tonight and come back the day after the event." Tom was organizing the sheets of paper that went array before grabbing his suitcase. Harrison stopped him before he could leave, telling him the most important detail. "Oh, mate, I almost forgot, it's a thing you have to bring your assistants to." Tom slowly looked up to Harrison, his dirt brown eyes clashing with Haz's ocean eyes. "What? Why?"

"It's formality I guess. I don't know. It even says so on the invitation."

Tom glared at Haz, a doubting look in his narrowed eyes. He was detecting bulshit. "You never sent it to me." Harrison gave Tom a bored look. "I sent it to you an hour ago."

That's what that buzzing of my phone was.

Tom grabbed his phone, opening Haz's message and quickly scanning over the photo of the digital invitation. He was right. You had to bring your assistant with you. Tom stuffed his phone into his dress pants. He rested his hands against his desk, completely leaning on it. "Okay. Anything else you want to tell me?" Haz shook his head, his hair ruffling along with it. "No. I'll get working on booking the hotel for you. I found one that's a good thirty minutes from the venue." Tom saw Harrison's shit eating grin on his face yet ignored it, confused as to why he was so smug about the situation. "Good, get on that." Tom waved him off, "Now get lost you div. I need to make a call." Harrison turned on his heel, chuckling at the name and exited Tom's office.

Tom goes to grab the phone set on the right hand end of his desk to call you in.


You heard your phone ring on your desk. Picking it up immediately, which was muscle-memory for you, you instantly let out a "Hello?"

You didn't expect Tom's voice on the other line telling you to come into his office as he needed to speak with you. You hung up the phone, the satisfying clatter of the phone going back into its place clicking through your quiet office. Thoughts of any worst case scenario rang through your mind.

'Am I getting fired? Replaced? Did I do something wrong?'

By habit, you knocked on his door before entering. Hearing a faint "Come in," as your signal, you open the door and step in, the clicking of your heels echoing through the pristine walls. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Holland?"

Although you've been in his office countless times, it never failed to strike you as beautiful. The entire back wall, which Tom was facing away from, was just panels of windows. The entire architecture was modern, sleek cut furniture everywhere.

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