A Song Calling For You, A Song Calling You Back

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18-year-old singer/songwriter Alice Park decided that after high school finished, she would study in Korea for a year or two. Forgetting basic rules of safety at night, she walks down a dark alleyway at the wrong time of night and is duly punished by fate. Assaulted by a drunken man, who, if anyone, will come to her rescue? And why can’t there ever be a happy ending for Alice? An SS501 fanfic. (Set in 2009, when they were all around 22.)



Main Pairing

The main pairing will be PJMXOC; however, there may also be small amounts of pairing between a few of the other members and the OC later on in the story. Also at some stage, I probably will introduce a pairing of another OC or even another celebrity for one or more of the other members of the band XD


This story’s first chapter may be a little bit explicit, due to the topic of, well, sexual assault, so if you are under the age of 15, maybe you don’t want to read this story…:\ (However, I wrote with as little detail as possible, so I don’t think it’s too bad…) NOTE: Because the first chapter involved this...there may be tiny flashbacks later on, or small references...sorry about this, but it is just part of the story :P

A Song Calling For You, A Song Calling You Back [SS501 Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now