Loaned Beauty

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dear readers, this first chapter s quite small but longer chapters are on the way.



“Mom, I’m home!” Reen Patson shouted as she bounded through the front doors after a day of working. She went into the dining room –she was starving. But there was no dinner on the table. Perplexed, she thought “May be there is a surprise for me, after all it is my 20th birthday.” She was her parent’s only child and they were bent on spoiling her with their love.

She searched everywhere in the house, all the while calling to her mother. After some time she stopped calling, maybe she would not come out until after I find the surprise. She felt thrilled at the prospect of a surprise and continued her search.

There wasn’t a single sound in the house! She hoped that her father Rhys Patson, the busy businessman, had come home early and joined her mother Angelina Patson for her surprise party. Reen tiptoed up the stairs to the second floor landing. She was expecting a burst of light or a cheer from the dark bedrooms any moment.

There was none!

The resound of her feet hitting the wooden landing reached her ear after echoing through the empty house. A shiver ran up her spine. Her hands were suddenly cold.

“What happened here?” she dismissed the ominous thought as soon as it occurred to her. She gathered her courage and walked to her parent’s bed room. She had stopped unconsciously; she was never a brave person.

As Reen opened the door and stepped inside the dark room she heard a crunch and shuffle of paper under her right foot. She shivered with an unconceivable feeling.

“What’s going on?” she muttered confusedly, as she stooped to pick up the paper. She held the paper tightly in her hands as she fumbled around the room for the switch board. She flipped the switch on and looked at the paper in her hand then gasped aloud in shock.

The paper had faint blood marks over it. As Reen investigated the marks she noticed that her hand was the source. But her hand was not cut! She looked at the switchboard stared in horror at the blood trail. She shivered uncontrollably.

“Get a grip!” she ordered herself mentally. Slowly she managed to control her trembling. She looked at the paper in her hand; it was folded in half and a little wrinkled. She was afraid to open the paper.  “What will I find inside it?  For God’s sake why is there blood smeared on my mother’s bedroom wall?”

                     Pack some of your clothes and necessary accessories and go to your aunt’s house.  You know Aunt Amelia’s address that. I told you when you were little. Remember it, I won’t write it here because it might be intercepted. I and your dad will also be there.


                                                                                                            Mom & Dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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