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Several thousand years ago Vega was once at the top at the night sky. For travelers it was there only hope. The only thing that could safely navigate them to where they wanted to go. It was the central part for most of humanity. If you and a lover were far way, you could both look up and see the same star. The North Star. Vega. Or me. Well not me. And not exactly the North Star. Well not anymore.

See as the earth wobbles our view of the night sky changes. And what was once at the top isn't anymore. Although it will be. In about 12,000 years of course but still. That's why my mother named me Vega. After this planets former North Star. See when I was little I had powers. More than anybody could even fathom. I was destined to be the most powerful witch of my time. But my aunt had other ideas. She wanted to steal my powers and become the most powerful witch. So, my mother did the only thing she thought would keep me safe. She suspended my powers. Hid them from me until she knew I would be ready for them and be able to stop my aunt.

Because of this I forgot I had powers. My mother never mentioned anything to me about being a witch. She never even used her powers around me. So, you can imagine my surprise when after 19 years, one day I woke up found out that I was a witch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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