Chapter 1: Mysterious Pony

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Laser: "Wait, come back!"

The mysterious pony darted away from him.

Laser: "I'm not gonna hurt you."

???: "Then why are you chasing me?"

Laser: "I don't know. Maybe it's because you're wandering around here when it's dangerous to do so."

The mysterious pony stopped running and looked at him. His intense stare made Laser speechless. They stared at each other for a long time until Laser tried to look at other objects.

???: "Why are you following me?"

Never follow people, it leaves a bad impression.

Laser: "Woah, woah, woah. Following is a bit of a strong word. I'm just simply... Making sure you're ok."

Laser smiled nervously as he looked around checking his surroundings. The mysterious pont stared at him as usual with the same non-expressive face. He didn't seem agitated or anything. Laser couldn't make up what he was thinking.

Laser: "Well, I was gonna watch an old pony feed the birds this morning and maybe do some other stuff along the way. When I got here, I found you sleeping-"

???: "I wasn't sleeping. And why are you watching old ponies?"

Laser: "You're still saying it like I like to follow ponies around all day!"

???: "You admitted watching an old pony."

Laser: "No, I said the birds. I don't have much to do anymore so I watch what other ponies' life are like."

???: "..."

Laser: "So... what are you doing out here anyways?"

???: "'What am I doing?'"

Laser noticed his mouth moved a bit as if he was sad, but it's still very hard to know in what way he was feeling. Was he feeling sad? Is he angry, but only his mouth is moving and not his eyebrows? This is highly confusing! That mysterious pony's poker face is so darn good! Laser held his own head and started shaking it in frustration. He looked back at him but saw he wasn't paying attention.

???: "There is nothing for me to do."

Laser's hooves lowered.

Laser: "I don't understand, what do you mean by that?"

???: "I have nothing to do."

There was a long pause but the mysterious pony wasn't doing it on purpose. He looked the other way and said, ...

???: "I was born today."

Laser looked at him dumbfounded.

Laser: "What?"

???: "This forest gave birth to me just now. I was never any other thing before. I had a family before, but none of us were ponies and we all had to split up."

Laser was starting to feel sympathetic for him. Although, he didn't know what he was feeling sad about. Maybe it was because he has been separated from Pneuma and had no idea what happened to him.

???: "So up to now even though not much time passed by, I been wondering what to do."

Laser realized this was his chance. He can find out more of this mysterious pony and his rare looking cutie mark.

Laser: "I got an idea, follow me!"

The two of them went to Ponyville, the outskirts of it to a shrub that had binoculars behind it.

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