New school

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I fell to the ground with a thud, blood seeping out of my shoulder. My eyes fell heavy and I was too weak to get back up. Tears streamed down my face when I saw him. He burst through the doors yelling and got his gun out to protect me. The gun that was pointed at my head then turned to him, I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer. A gunshot was heard as everything went black.

I jumped up, sweating and crying. Lee was shaking me, shouting my name. Tears fell down my cheeks as I hugged him, not wanting to let go. "It's alright sweet pea, it was just a bad dream." AJ walked in, rubbing his eyes. "What happened?" "Don't worry about it kiddo" I say, smiling at the young boy. "I'm going to make breakfast, come down when you're ready." Lee and AJ walk out, AJ giving me a cheesy grin before closing the door behind him. I found something comfortable to wear and went downstairs.

"Are you excited for your first day of school?" Lee asked. "Kind of." I answered, putting a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. "Don't worry, I'm nervous too sweet pea. You're going to be fine." I smiled at him. "I'm sure you will make lots of friends in your new school." Carley said, looking up from her newspaper. "I'm super excited for school! I'm going to make loads of friends and we'll all play with my Disco Broccoli toys together!" AJ exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. "I bet you'll make tons of friends, goofball." I ruffled his hair. "Don't call me goofball." He rolled his eyes and I chuckled. "Not gonna happen."

After breakfast, Lee drove us to school, dropping AJ off first. "You ready?" Lee asked as I closed the car door. "As ready as I'll ever be" I sighed. Lee smiled and pulled me in for a tight hug. I wrap my arms around him and smile at him. We pull away and walk up the stone steps and open the big brown doors. I went to the principles office to get my schedule and Lee went to get settled in his classroom. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had history first period with Lee.

I sat down and looked over to Lee who was looking through some papers. He turned to me and gave me a thumbs up and I did the same. People started to come in, looking at me as they went past to take a seat. A boy with long dreadlocks and brown eyes sat next to me, grinning from ear to ear. "You're the new girl, right?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm Clementine." "Louis. Nice to meet you." He said. Another boy with short blonde hair sat on the desk in front of me and turned to face me. "That's Marlon." Louis said, Marlon rolled his eyes. "I can do my own introductions Lou." I chuckled. "I'm Clementine." I noticed a blonde girl sitting next to me, she was watching us as we spoke and quickly turned away when I saw her. "Oh that's Violet. Watch out, she's a biter." Louis joked. Violet stuck her middle finger up at him and he held his hand to his heart as if he'd been hurt. I looked at Violet. Her emerald eyes sparkled and her pale cheeks turned a slight red colour when she noticed me staring. I mentally face palmed myself and quickly looked up to Lee. "Good morning everyone. I'm Mr Everett and I'm going to be your history teacher from now on." He winked at me and I smirked back at him. "Before we get started, I want to get to know you all. You're all going to go around the room and say your name and one interesting thing about you. I'll go first." Lee said. "My name is Lee and I have a fabulous wife and two amazing kids. One of which is sitting in this room in front of me." He gave me a small wave and I waved back. He then pointed to someone sat at a desk and asked them to go next. We went around the room, saying our name and something about us. After everyone had spoken, Lee started to teach us about the Russian revolution. All of which was incredibly boring to me.


Finally, it was lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria and looked for somewhere to sit. I noticed Louis waving his hands at me, gesturing to come and sit with him. When I got closer, I realised there were quite a few more people sat at the table. "Clementine, meet the gang." Lou introduced me to Ruby, Aasim, Mitch, Willy, Brody, Minnie and Sophie. I waved at them and started to eat my lunch, laughing and joking with the group of teens.

Someone came up behind me and grabbed my hat. "Hey, what the fuck?!" I got up to see who had stolen my hat and saw Duck smirking at me, my hat in his hand. "Still wearing this old thing, dyke?" He said, placing it on his head. "Don't call me that Duck." I growled as I snatched my hat off of him and put it back on my own head. Duck just laughed and ran off. I sighed and sat back down. "You know him?" "Yeah. Why?" Ruby frowned. "He thinks he's the coolest kid in school, but he's just a bully." She snarled. I met Duck when I was 8, Kenny came to babysit me and brought Duck with him. He made all my crayons blunt and pulled the head off my favourite doll, taking it outside for 'surgery' and burying it in the sand pit. I never saw it again. "Yeah he is a bit of an asshole sometimes." I frowned. "More like all the time." Violet said with a chuckle. I couldn't help but smile at the girl. She noticed and smiled back at me. Louis waved his hand in my face to get my attention. "So, what do you think of Ericson's?" He asked. "It seems pretty good so far." I replied. "That's good." "Wait, are you Mr Everett's daughter?" I looked up to see Brody in front of me with a confused look on her face. "Uh yeah." I answered. "I bet it's awesome having your dad as a teacher." She said with a big smile on her face. "Yeah I guess so." I gave her a smile back and turned to speak to Violet, only to see that she was gone. "Where did Violet go?" I asked. Everybody turned to where Violet was sat and shrugged their shoulders. "No idea. Maybe she went to the restroom." Louis said.

I walked to the restroom to see if she was there. As I was opening the door, I heard faint crying. When I walked in I saw Violet crying by one of the stalls. "Vi? Are you ok?" I walked up to her and looked her in the eyes. They were red and tears filled them, rolling down her soft, pale cheeks when she blinked. "Yeah, I'm fine." She sniffled. She clearly wasn't. I wiped a tear off her face with my thumb and smiled softly at her. She blushed and looked down at the ground. "I just found out Minnie is cheating on me." My heart stopped. "You and Minnie were dating?" "Yeah." I got butterflies in my stomach. Does that mean she likes girls? "How did you find out?" I asked, concerned. "I saw her kissing Gabe. "What? Gabe?!" I almost yelled, anger rose up in me and I wanted to go and punch Gabe in his smug face. "Why him?" We said in unison. I looked at Violet and she looked at me. I looked down to her lips, then back at her eyes, she seemed to be doing the same. Slowly, our faces grew closer together, Violet closed her eyes and I did the same. I closed the gap between us, feeling her soft lips press on mine. Our lips moved in sync, I put my hand on her cheek and she wrapped her arms around my waist. After a few seconds, we pulled apart. Violet blushed and smiled at me, she pulled me in for a hug and held me tight. I hugged her back just as tight. "What the fuck?!" I turned to the door to see a very angry Minerva.


1418 words
This is my first time writing a Violetine fanfic. Or any fanfic. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing I'm just going along with it as I write it 😂
Sorry if you think the kiss was a bit too fast, I just got too excited to get them two to kiss.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Take Us Back" more chapters should be out soon!

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