Truth or Dare

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    The sounds of gunshots rang out and I couldn’t help but feel more anxious as I moved forward. The sirens blaring in the background didn't help either. I could see demolished buildings through the smoke and debris. I had to hide behind a barely in tact wall in order to dodge the fire from the enemy. Footsteps drew close and i looked in the direction, aiming my gun’s barrel towards the person heading my way. I then let out a sigh of relief upon realising it was my best bud, Kady. I said in a hushed voice, “Oh, it’s you.” There was a sound of gunfire ahead of me, towards the fort of the enemy and I shot a few times. When I went to shoot again, nothing happened and all I heard were clicks. I muttered a curse under my breath and looked to Kady. My heart stopped. She had her gun aimed at my head resulting in my arms to slowly raise in surrender. “I’m sorry Shane, I have too.” She fired and all I saw was black.

    I let out a groan and threw my head back in aggravation. My controller that was flung in the air, landed gracefully in my lap. My eyes closed and a sigh escaped my nose. Soon, my eyes opened and my  body shot forward. Kady’s laughter made my head snap in her direction. The girl had brown hair tied into a ponytail, a mole on the left side of her face that was about an inch away from her lips. She was a little bit overweight, which in my opinion, looked good on her. She snorted before looking me in the eye, “Shane, I thought you knew better.” I glared at her and angrily shouted, “Traitor!” Only more laughter ensued.

We walked through her house,  which smelt kind of weird. It was like an old house smell with a hint of sourness. It was brown and rather large, consisting of a second floor with only one area that was a storage room, a large living room with a huge TV and two brown couches, one lighter than the other. There were two door ways that lead to the spacious kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and went to the right side of the area and to one wall.  On the wall, a mirror hung, to which I stood on my tippitoes to see myself. I was a 5'1 girl with curly, shoulder length hair that was blond, black, square glasses,  and blue or green eyes. I never could really say their colour as they changed from blue to a green or to a very light blue. My fingers played with my curls as I studied my squarish face. The curls were like odd spirals, or as Kady described them,  curly fries. I looked to Kady, who was sitting in a chair and tapping her fingertips onto the keys of her laptop.

“What're you doing?”

She grinned at me then showed me the screen,  “I'm getting some music. It's quiet and Dad's not home.”

I smirked, this is great. Her dad was already really lenient when it came to the random crap we did, but when he wasn't there,  we could be ten times as wild. I may be the oldest and more mature, but a couple of 13 year olds will act hyper when it comes to it, especially when I have adhd.

“What should we do Kit-Kat? “

She looked at me questioningly, before slamming her hands down on either side of her computer.

“Shane. Oh my dear Shane. We should play truth or dare. “

I walked to her with my hands clasped behind my back, “Upstairs? “

She spastically nodded her head and proceeded to gather her things and make a mad dash after me while I bolted up the stairs.  Once there, we pulled up one of the swivel chairs and the drum chair. She had a drum kit, which she never played, but the chair was our favourite because it screeched when you moved the seat.  It's name is Cries of the Undead, Cries for short. We're weird, accept it.

I sat on Cries while she sat on the swivel chair.  The room was small and was filled with useless junk. Her dad was a hoarder,  much to my dismay, as he was pretty filthy. The room had two desks, each consisting of a swivel chair and a computer.  One desk was Kady’s and it was on the left and the other was right across from hers which was her dad's. The laptop was placed on the small baby chair that only I could fit. I was small and often teased about how small I was.

We began to play and to let you know the details would be unfortunate for you,  but to put it in light terms, it was gross. I dared her to drink a cup of whatever I put inside,  she gagged but did it anyway. Then she got revenge and made me take 5 spoonfuls of mustard after I said dare. Oh boy. I died inside,  the pain was terrible. I have acid reflux and am lactose intolerant, so mustard is a no go on the acid reflux side. I got heartburn and in retaliation, I dared her to take a tablespoon of hot sauce,  to which she puked. So after that we just chilled and watched YouTube and she ate ice cream.

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