Chapter 1

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Elijah Best. I hate the guy. He hates me. It's a simple thing really. We cant Express how much we absolutely despise each other. He's popular, girls drool all over him, he's got fluffy brown hair and a skinny build. It's funny because he seems to be at the top of the social ladder even though this is a collage and social ladders dont fully exist in collage so it kinda baffles me. The only person he's less popular than is the basketball team captain, Denis Kopotun.
I can kinda stand Denis. Hes tall and lanky, he's got this charm to him that makes any girl- any girl that isnt drooling over Elijah at least- fall in love with him. Exept for me. This very much excludes me. The only reason I can truly stand him is because one day when I was at work at a small coffee shop a little off campus I caught him on a date- but not any date- A date with a guy with fluffy purple hair and glasses who radiated the biggest dork energy. He went to a competing collage just 20 minutes away that's further downtown. I think it just shows that Denis isnt some crazy womanizer and is actually a good guy.
Now, there are some other popular guys. These guys include some guys from the basketball team and stuff and OH YEAH! Elijah's twin. That's right, theres two little f*ckers. Ethan Best is kinda bearable. Let me explain; He is dating one of my two friends, Amie Klammer. Plus he's a little more chill than Elijah.
If you're wondering who my other friend is, his name is Sam but he goes by Sub. He seems to wear the same thing every day; A bright green hoodie or sweater along with black or grey sweatpants and green Van's. He has a chocolate brown fringe that swept over his tanned face. We've been close ever since he offered to drive me home after the first class of the year. He had gotten just super close after that. And I know some of you probably think theres something going on between me and Sub but F U N F A C T, he's dating the captain of the track team, a black haired Ausie named Fletch but goes by Flebsy. I call them the Nickname bros. It's really annoys Sub but who cares.
Now that we have that sorted out let's get on with the story...
I yawned and flicked through all the TV channels on the network, eventually landing on some episode of the office and deciding to watch it because it's a great show.
"Michael, you beautiful human being." I mumble just as Amie walked into our dorm.
"What's up?" She asks, setting her bookbag by the door.
"Well, Elijah has another girlfriend." Amie informs me, sitting next to me on the couch.
"Man wh*re." I comment, getting up and shuffling through the cabinets, finally finding a box of sour patch kids watermelon.
"I'm not going to disagree with you." Amie takes one of the candies.
"This is what... the third one this month?" I ask, adjusting my seat on the couch.
"Fourth, actually." Amie corrects.
"My god," I roll my eyes, "who is it this time?"
"Pretty Brunette on the Cheer team, Cayla Brady."
"Oh, I know her." I nod.
"You do?"
"Not really. She's in the same theater tech class as me."
"Huh... what is she studying?"
"I'm pretty sure she wants to be an actress but she wants a backup plan or som'n." I shrug.
"That was oddly specific."
"I'm observant. " I nudge her arm with my elbow in a playful manner.
I hear the door open, making me me turn my head. Sub throws his keys on the counter dramatically, letting his backpack slide off his arms, dropping it in the middle of the kitchen floor before spinning dramatically and kicking the door shut.
"I'm home!" He exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.
"We noticed." Amie laughs.
"Its a little hard not to." I snicker along with her. Sub walks over, shoves himself in between Amie and I, grabbing a handful on my candies and throwing them into his mouth as he stayed concentrated on the screen in front of him.
"You dont even live here." Amie comments.
"Yeah, dude you have your own dorm." I point out.
"But Sebastian kicked my gay a*s out because he brought home a lady friend." Sub crosses his legs dramatically.
"How are you this loud when we're all together but then when exposed to any social situation outside of this group you forget what words are," I ask.
"No freakin clue, my dude."
"That's my line!" I object, "My branding! Copyright YN!"
"Let me see the legal documents then you can sue me." Sub demands.
"Give me a minute," I pretend to stand up from the couch before falling back onto it, "Nah, I'm too lazy."
"Also, You're bisexual, why did you say 'my gay a*s?'" Amie asks Sub.
"Dramatic effect." He shrugs.
"Elijah Best has an other girlfriend." I tell my friend. Sub turns all around to face me with his eyes as big as plates, I swear to god.
"Fourth one this month." Amie adds.
"He needs to chill out... just like... chill, man." Sub furrows his eyebrows and looks slightly puzzled, most likely thinking about what was going through that boys head. "He isnt even that bad of a guy-"
"But the freaking 74 girlfriends isnt helping your case bud!"
"That's what I was thinking." Amie nods.
"Am I the only one on this entire freaking campus who hates that boy?" I ask My friends, standing up from the couch and spinning around to face them.
"I spose so, yeah." Sub shrugs, "Hes not really that bad but I spose you two have some history-"
"You just made it sound like we dated." I cringe.
"Well I didnt mean to"
"Whatever, man."
"He isnt the bad." Amie points out.
"Yeah right."

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