Chapter 15

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"The doll was always going to be my prize?.." i repeated to myself

Seren nodded, his whole aura now serious yet calm. "the doll is handcrafted by me."

"But why does it look like y/n" minx

"Oh that's simple!" seren clapped his hands together making me jump "for the doll to work it must look like its host, the doll follows the host around until it is either taken apart or the host dies."

"And if the doll is destroyed?" minx raised a brow

"Then miss here will feel some of the worst pain she will ever feel in her life"

I could feel the color drain from my face "will that kill me?"

"Hmm im not too sure"

I gulped at his words

Minx and seren began to talk on about the doll and why he gave it to me as i slowly started to get lost in thought.

I couldn't stop thinking about all the drama i had been through so far, the creatures i have faced and the dangers im still yet to face, all because of a stupid summoning ritual that i thought was fake.... Maybe this is all a dream, maybe im actually just asleep and the ritual was fake.

I pinched myself then looked around making my heart sink. It wasn't a dream, i was indeed trapped in this living nightmare.

"Now miss you have become quite the talk of the grim world."

"Grim world?" i repeated

Seren nodded "it where i and many other creatures come from"

I nodded slowly

"But i must ask are the rumors true? Did you really do a high powered black magic summoning?"

My heart stopped, i could feel bile build up in the back of my throat, i slowly nodded "i-i thought it was fake.."

Seren nodded and held his chin in thought "have you seen him yet"

"Seen w-who?" i swear i could see the room spinning, my head pounding in pain only to get worse once i heard the name i dreaded most

"Have you seen" he looked around then leaned forward and spoke almost in a whisper "Corvin"

The moment i heard that name i felt my body hit the floor as my vision went black.

Minx jumped up "y/n!"


sorry for the really short chapter I haven't been having the best life lately

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