Catch up

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Mikayla's POV

Hey guys. You guys are back! Let me tell you. It's been 2 years.. Phone I didn't leave anywhere. I had the baby, she's a girl, I named her Janelle. She's 2 already. As for me and chres. He's still with Desiree, after she had a baby that wasn't even his. But it's whatever I guess. For me, I changed my hair color, it's now a light brown like blonde almost. I do have a boyfriend. Remember D from Starbucks? Yeah him. His name is Daniel. D for short. Chres still sees the baby. But I have full custody. I won't have janelle sleep over his house. He sees her when he comes to my house. I have my own house now. I became more independent you can say. I'm 19 now so yeah. My mom is a big help so is my dad my step dad and my real father. Daniel is too. He comes over a lot. He so ends the night when I tell him to. He's really nice. He's 20, not that much as a difference. He's turning 22 soon. Still not a difference. But oh well, he's really nice. His dad owns a record company. He just worked at Starbucks for a bit. But it don't matter I just like him. "Baby? Hurry in the shower. I'm ready" Daniel said standing by the door. I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and walked out the bathroom. "I'm done." I said and laughed. "Hmmm, I see. I see." He said and licked his lip. He went I the bathroom and closed the door and I got ready. I was done

waiting for him to hurry up now. I sat on my bed and waited for him to come out.

When he came out I smiled at him. "Finally!" I said and smiled. "Your beautiful self was waiting for me?" He asked coming closer to me. "Yes baby." I said. He laid me back and climbed on me and kissed me. I kissed back holding his face. The kiss got deeper and deeper. He put his hand up my shirt. I moved his hand and pulled back. "I'm sorry." He said and kissed my cheek. "It's cool." I said and smiled. He grabbed my hand and smiled back and got up. "Gosh your so beautiful" he said and kissed my cheek. "Thank you" I said and smiled. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!" Janelle said running in my room. "I ready!" She said smiling. "You look beautiful baby girl." I said and smiled. She had on a black dress with white polka dots. She smiled and ran out the room. "Hurry daddy waiting!" She yelled running. "Be careful don't fall princess." I said coming down stairs. "Imma stay here okay?" Daniel said. I smiled and nodded. "Mmmm okay baby" I said and grabbed my phone and grabbed Janelle's hand and walked out the house and to my car and put her in the car seat and strapped her in. I went in and drove off to Roc's house. "Mommy can you put daddy song on?" She said. I looked back at her and plugged my phone in and went on YouTube and put on Band-Aid.

She listens to their music sometimes. She was singing along. She sounds cute trying to sing along. It's crazy how time flew so fast, I always thought me and roc will be together for a while. I parked and turned off the music, I got out and took out Janelle's bag out. Sometimes she has accidents and needs a change of clothes. She's not in pampers she's still training so she still has accidents. I went and helped her out and held her hand and her bag on the other side. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer. "Daddy! It me!" She yelled. He opened the door. "Hey princess!" He said and hugged her. "Hey queen." He said looking at me. "I'm not your queen anymore, and I never will be again." I said and gave him the bag. "How's that little boyfriend of yours?" He asked. "Why you so worried?" I asked crossing my arms. "I'm just asking chill chill.." He said and smiled. I nodded and gave Janelle a kiss on the cheek. "Can I get a kiss too?" Roc said smiling. I just turned and walked off to my car. It's been like this for a while. He always does that. I don't love him anymore. He needs to stop. I went in my car and went to my house and I parked and got out and went to the door. "Baby?" I said going in and I out my bag down and my keys and saw a note on the kitchen table.


Baby, be ready by 8:30 I wanna take you on a proper dinner. Just the 2 of us. There's no yes or no. Your gonna go because I'm taking you.

He drew a little heart on the bottom and I smiled. I went upstairs and went on my computer and signed on twitter. One thing about me I don't like using my phone for twitter too much.

'@royal3r is now following you'

Ughhhh this boy keeps trying! Don't you have a girlfriend? I went on her page and was reading her tweets. She sounds so childish. Aren't you like 21? 22? Act your age. She's sloppy with everything. Look now I'm talking shit. But it's what ever, I told her to her face many many times. I seen a subtweet about me I guess.

'She thinks she can win him back? Right little girl. He's mine I ain't going no where sweetie.'

She she's childish! She needs to get a life. I don't want her stupid boyfriend! I need get ready for my date with Daniel. My boyfriend! MY boyfriend!






FIRST CHAPTER OF THE SEQUEL UP!!!! New chapter later tonight. Studying in Starbucks right now lol.

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