There was this girl she was pretty close to me like we had our own clique where I'd say I was d queen bee we were seatmates you know and twas pretty great until you both became friends and she became your life coach . At first I saw it as nothing but then we started to become distant she'd sit with you most times and loneliness would set it and twas more embarrassing because I was in front seat she only came to sit with me during recess to eat and during tests and exams. Speaking of exams I remember one exam grade 10 ( ss1 ) to be precise she was badly sick and could not read the previous day luckily it rained so everyone moved their desk's closer and she copied from me twas not right I know but who cares... So here's were it gets interesting .....
Grade 12 which was our final grade after many sessions of ditching me for you she finally decided that she wanted us to be real seatmates again I was elated and felt yay!!! Last session will be awesome but twasnt she did sit with me but most times left ...not to seat with you though ...just for an alone time I felt bad you know like so alone .
Then one day we were chatting and she suddenly asked what she ever did to me I was shocked because that wasn't something I expected to hear and she was like I knew she liked you but still went for you aff forgotten all that wad said sha but alas all was resolved and I did ask if she was okay with us and wasn't just pretending to be and she said yes yet every time we argued she kept bringing it up all over . Soon she became pretty distant from me while we became pretty closer , people even though me and her were quarrelling....hmmm....many times I felt she was keeping things from me and it turns out I was right .
There was a time you guys quarrelled but she refused to tell me d reason why yet I still told her all I knew n said you guys should resolve it . Dont get me wrong she isn't a bad person we both just assumed the wrong things , she's pretty amazing too you know but things just kept on happening between us....xoxo