Chapter one: look whoSe back

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It's really hard to be yourself when people try their hardest to make you one way or another. Well that's kinda the point of the restrictions. Each zone has their own set of restrictions. Each has their own island. But that isn't where this story starts. It starts in my perfect little zone, in my perfect little house.

I hear a knock on the door and rush to get my backpack. "BYE MOM, DAD, STACY AND .... THE OTHERS" I yell with a giggle. With having 10 brothers and sister you don't really have time to say all their names. I pick a different name to say every day. There is Arden, Electra, Hart, Mercy, Stacy and Tracy, Miles, me, Vance and finally Sonnet. In that order.

I open the door and see Melody. She's always my ride to school. Stupid ,boring, uneventful school.

"Ready?" She asks and I nod. We gossip the whole way until we see a closed road.

"Shoot!" She fumes.

"What's the big deal?" I ask.

"The only other way to get to school adds an extra 5 minutes." I still give her a questioning look as she turns yo go the other way to school.

"Well the law is normally you could only have 1 hour in the car a day. I got a ticket yesterday and I have no money so they reduced it to 30 minutes a day for a week. A round trip will be about 20 minutes. I can't go anywhere now without getting in trouble." She answers with a sigh.

"That is so stupid!" I yell. She nods in agreement. I check my gauge on my arm to see my stats. Everyone has one. It's on your left wrist, permanently. It keeps track of your bank amount, the food groups you ate that day and more. I have $964,786 left out of the million everyone gets at birth. I haven't spent much because my parents pay for most of everything I need. My food groups bar has nothing on it because I forgot breakfast. Each day you must have a certain amount of fruit, veggies, grain, and dairy. It's a pain to have but we all deal with it.

I look up from my gauge to see we are here. Everyone has their nice, none revealing clothes on. I feel someone hug my neck. I turn around and see Ranger, my boyfriend. I give him a quick kiss and turn back to Melody whose boyfriend Tate came.

"I saw you were looking at the gauge thing during the car ride." She points out.

"Yeah just remembering how stupid it is." I laugh.

"Well that's what we get for being in Optimum. The perfect zone." She smirks as I sigh. We hear the bell and that means we must head to our home rooms. We walk down the hall till the gates came for the boys and girls side. Even though we are in high school they insist that boys and girls have separate sides, classes and pretty much everything. We wave goodbye and head to Mrs. Sena's class.

We take our seats on e we walk inside. I look to my left and see Sandra isn't here. She always wanted to be a rule breaker or get as close as possible without being removed. She must of overdosed on something, that gets you in serious trouble now a days.

"Hello class! So we have a returner today! Micheal Osteen!" She sang as a skinny boy walks in. I know him! He was removed about a year ago for graffiti. He used to be buff, tan , tall and the eye candy. Now he was no muscle, pale, tall, and too skinny to be healthy. He smiles and it was still as great as before. But this smile wasn't genuine, it was a sad smile. He must be sorry he was sent, but happy to be back.

"So how was your trip?" She asks like he just went on a long vacation.

"It. Was. Great." He answers like it was hard to say. "It got my head cleared, I'm better now."

They, the bailiff, are making him say these things. If he doesn't they will send him back. They gave him lies about the Island. Outcast island is what they call it and it's absolutely the worst place on earth.

Hey guys, first chapter! Yay! I hope you like it and want me to write more! Xoxo

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