Connor Franta;
Connor was born on September 12, 1992.
His full name is Connor (Edward?) Franta.
Connor was born in Minnesota, US.
Connor's zodiac sign is Virgo.
Connor used to be a member of O2L (Our 2nd Life).
He is gay!
Connor is obsessed with cats.
Connor has green eyes.
Connor has a younger brother, an older brother, and an older sister.
Connor is a big procrastinator.
Connor is a really organized person and likes to have things neat and in order.
Connor broke a bone in his hand when he was swimming.
Connor can't go anywhere without his iPhone.
Connor's been skydiving and swimming in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
Connor can do lucid dreaming. (when you have the ability to control your dreams)
Connor is not a morning person, and is wide awake at night and can stay up really late very easily.
Connor's only job he's had was a lifeguard and he saved two people's lives.
Connor only lived in one house his entire life.
Connor loves to shop.
Conner is super uncoordinated.
Connor runs cross contry and track. The farthest he's ever fan is 16 miles.
Connor's favorite food is fish tacos.
Connor attended St. John's University.
If Connor could have any zoo animal as a pet, he would want a pet tiger.
Connor really wants to visit New Zealand.
Connor has a 'C' shaped scar on his forehead.
Connor got struck in an elevator once when he was in college.
Connor's favorite actor is Robert Downey Jr.
Connor believes in soul mates but not in love at first sight.
Connor is a really clumsy person.
It takes Connor about half an hour to get ready in the morning.
He kissed 6 youtubers and dated one.
"Our generation is just so obsessed with the idea of perfection and we don't need to be."
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile."
- Connor Franta