Chapter 1

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 “Mates, this is the second death this week...” Ashton sighed, running a hand through his hair nervously.

“We’ve patrolled every inch of this town for the past three days and still haven’t found any traces of whoever’s doing this besides his scent” Michael groaned, laying out on the couch.

“I think we should call somebody” Luke suggested quietly.

“Shut up, Luke” Michael snapped.

“No, I think he’s right…if this keeps up we’ll have hunters all over the place and then we’re all dead” I agreed.

Ashton looked around at each of us before sighed. “So…who are we supposed to call…? It’s not like we can Google our situation and find someone in the yellow pages.”

            As if on cue the phone rang, causing all of us to jump at the sudden sharp sound. Realizing none of the boys would get up, I sighed heavily and stood from my spot, going into the other room to answer the phone.

“Hello?” I sighed into the receiver.

“Calum…someone is coming” Freya whispered from the other end of the line.

“Yes, we know, Freya, they're already here…they’ve apparently been wandering around Harlow for the past three days” I sighed.

            The old witch that lived across the street had been losing her touch lately, her visions coming days after the event had happened, her spells backfiring, and her stupid cat keeps coming into my yard after I’ve told her a thousand times to keep that thing inside. Luke especially doesn’t take well to cats.

“No” she snapped “someone else…another witch…I can feel her energy…it came to me in a dream…” she went on.

I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t think having another witch in town is a good idea” I told her.

“She comes with a purpose…to end the string of murders that has begun in this town…her power is great but her heart is fragile…” she rambled.

“Yes, thanks for your help, I-.”

“Do not be deceived by her looks, Calum! She holds a power much greater than that which I have ever seen” she cut me off.

I sighed. As soon as she stopped speaking the line went dead. She hung up.

            Freya was a powerful witch, having helped me many times in the past couple years. The boys were aware of her but refused to acknowledge her as nothing more than a power source. Michael refused to acknowledge her at all. I trusted her word. If this girl was here to stop whoever was killing the people of our town, fine, she can help us. She may already be in town. Like I said, Freya, as great as she is, isn’t as in tune with her powers as she once was.

            Returning to the room, I found Michael still on the couch, Ashton eating, and Luke flipping through channels on the TV.

“Good news, lads, someone’s come to help us.”

“What?” Ashton asked, swallowing the mouthful of food.

“A witch is coming, or she might even already be in town, she’s here to deal with whoever’s been killing the townspeople” I explained.

Michael growled lowly from his spot on the couch.

“So what do we do?” Luke questioned.

“We find her and we get her on our side” I answered, finding a pair of shoes and grabbing my keys.

“How are we supposed to find her?” Ashton asked, obviously thinking the task seemed impossible.

“The smell you idiot, witches always smell like fresh water…I don’t know why, but they do” I replied, having to practically drag all of them into the truck.

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