Letter 29

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Dear Ava
That's great you like someone as well! Hope everything goes well for you.
From Jonas

"Jonas I'm sorry for your loss." Johnny pats me on the shoulder.

"Johnny boy. The poor guy is probably wallowing in his sorrowful black hole. You telling him your sorry for his loss only makes it only worse." Grinny says.

"Do you think that she only said that because she had feelings for you but you didn't make yourself clear enough because your so rash?" Grinny wonders out loud.

My mood lightening up I asked hopefully "Do you think so?"

"Brainy! Come over here and use that brain of yours to philosophize a answer." Johnny yelled.

"Both seem plausible. You decide what you believe in." He yells not looking back towards us.

I wonder what was going on with Brainy these days. He usually would join us talking about almost everything. But when letters came he wouldn't talk to us as much anymore. Maybe he doesn't want to talk and focus on his letter. Brainy can shut people out when he wants to focus on something.

I learned that the hard way...

"So Jonas, what you think? Grinny looks at me.

"I think... I'll just tell myself that she doesn't like me. It'll make things easier. Besides I think I need to wake myself up. I don't even know what came over me to want me to tell her that I like her!" I turned around in my chair sighing.

I was about to be sent off to the Front Lines soon. No point of giving her a confession. Even if she does like me, I'll either be one of the dead lying ground or become a wounded man inside and out.

"Look Jonas. We're almost getting sent off and-"


That's the sound of a war plane.

Our sergeants said that there would be no war planes flying around here. No planes at all except if your learning to become a pilot.

"EVERYONE OUT NOW." Brainy yells reacting fast.


We all dashed towards the door but stumbled as bombs were dropped.

When we all reached outside we all covered our ears and ran to the bunker that was held beneath headquarters. In case we had situations like this.

The Districts had found us.

The Districts.







Suddenly flashbacks came back leaving me to a stop. My heart started hurting and the world suddenly began to fade away. I felt myself flying in the air before I hit the ground. Fire was around me and I welcomed darkness with open arms.

The last thing I heard was Brainy's voice.

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