The Pilot chapter 1

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Spencer's Barn

[Music playing]

Ashy, Lucy and Sasha: It's bad, huh?

[The girls are in the barn drinking and having fun. The light and the music turned off]

Emily and Shay: What happened?

Spencer and Sasha: It must be the storm.

[A squeak blares]

Aria and Lucy: Something's out there.

[The door of the barn opens]

Hanna and Ashy: Guys.

[The girls get up and look scared towards the door. They come closer, a glass noise blares, they shout but still came closer. Vicky and Mia come into sight]

Vicky and Mia: Gotcha

Spencer: That's so not funny, Vicky! Mia!

Vicky: I thought it was hilarious, girls. Right, Mia?

[Mia nodded, they all laugh and settle down on sofas]

Hanna and Ashy: Vicky, Mia, did you guys download the new Beyonce?

Vicky and Mia: Not yet.

Emily: I'm loving her new video.

Vicky: Maybe a little too much, Em.

[Emily became embarrassed. Mia puts her hand on Emily's knee and smiles kindly. Vicky, gives a glass to Aria]

Vicky: Your turn. Go on.

[Aria start to drink]

Spencer and Sasha: Careful, Aria.

Spencer: Take too much, and you'll tell us all your secrets.

Vicky: Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.

[Mia shook her head at her sister in disappointment]

Mia: Drink up.

[Aria wake in the barn, Emily, Lucy, Sasha, Shay, Ashy, Mia and Hanna are still sleeping but Spencer,
and Vicky, are missing. Aria wake the girls]

Aria: Em. Shay. Lu. Ash, Hanna. Mia. Sasha.

Hanna and Ashy: Where's Ali and Spencer?
Mia: Where's my sister?

Aria: We don't know.

[Aria gets up goes to the door, Spencer arrives at this moment]

Aria, Lucy and Mia: Vicky?

Spencer: She's gone.

Aria: What do you mean she's gone?

Spencer: I've looked everywhere for her. I think I heard her scream.


[An image of a newspaper of Rosewood appears with a photo of Vicky, and in main headlines " still missing "]


Aria's and Lucy's House

[1 year later Aria looks in the mirror]

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