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Angel sat in her cell, sadness had taken over her body. She had become dandrously thin. She looked worse than before. Circles were under her eyes. Her eyes were red stained. She had also become moody. She felt lost. She felt alone.

She turned her head to 620. He hungrily stared at her. Lust seemed to pore into his eyes, every time he glanced at her angles, and beauty. The other experiments didn't notice, they each thought he loved them the most, a cause affect of the spell. Angel, for some reason, never fell for his spell, she only wanted Stitch, and Stitch alone.

"625!" A voice bellowed as he awoke from his nap. 625 came in just barely running from laughing. As Gantu came in everyone fell over laughing, clutching their stomachs. Everyone laughed, except Angel. Sadly she lay down on the uncomfterable floor. Stitch wasn't the only one she missed. She missed her best friend, Maria. 'I was Maria's best and only friend, and I let her down.' A single tear trickled down her soft cheek. 'I remember it like it was yesterday . . .'

Maria walked into the gift shop, looking for marbles to put in her voodoo doll's head. She walked up to the counter. "Excuse me Mr. Clark," A man turned around. "Could I have two marbles please, I need them for my voodoo doll." He looked at her questionally.

"Maria, why don't you buy a regular voodoo doll?" Maria rolled her eyes. She knew that he just wanted her money because she was rich.

"No thanks, I like making home-made dolls." She replied. He looked down.

"Ok, that'll be $3.50." He replied as he pulled out two marbles.

"No it's not $3.50, when I came in, two kids bought four marbles and it was only $2.00. Don't try cheating me!" His mouth dropped in surprise at the smartness of this young girl. "Now if you'll let me give you the correct amount of money, I won't have my parents sue you." She never really would sue him, that was below her. But it was the only way for him to get the picture that she wasn't a dumb pushover kid that he could rob her money from.

He handed her the marbles in exchange for the dollar. She happily left the shop. She looked into her bag to see two marbles. To her surprise, the pink one had the number 624 on it. While the other had no name at all, just a milky pink and white swirl. "That's odd." She said out loud. She hurried home, not wanting to worry her dad.

She walked in the front door of her old manshine. "Dad I'm home!" she called into the family room. Her dad sat on the peach, velvet couch reading the newspaper.

"Glad to see that sweetie." He replied with a happy tone, without looking up. "Tell the movers what you do and don't want to bring to the new house, ok?"

"Sure dad." She called as she ran up to her room.

She set her marbles next to her on her bed. She took her favorite stuffed animal that she slept with, that was her only friend. "Pasid," she said to the tabby cat, "Do you think I'll like our new home?" She made Pasid nod. "Do you think we'll still live in a large home?" she made the cat nod again. "Do you think," she said whispering now, "that I'll make a friend?" She made Pasid shrug. "I hope so." She said as she hugged the lifeless plushie.

A tear trickled from her cheek, softly landing in the bag. She opened her eyes as a bright pink light filled the room. "huh?" she asked. She turned toward the bag. The light was coming from there! She pulled out the pink marble with the number 624. "This is it?" Her fingers tickled where her fingers touched the marble. The marble started to grow in size and weight. It grew fur. Angel opened her eyes. Maria pulled a pillow over her mouth and screamed. Angel looked at her, confused and angry.

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